Free & Reduced Lunch Free & Reduced Lunch Parent Information: Your son or daughter may qualify for free daily lunch or lunch at a reduced price. Many families, who qualify, never even apply Applications for Free & Reduced Lunch are still being accepted, please apply The application is simple and may even be completed on your smartphone by logging on to Families must apply each year (prior year services end in October of each year)
OPEN HOUSE INFORMATION FOR TRIGONOMETRY AND MATH ANALYSIS Contact Mr. Reid at: Contact Number: - (305) 431-8673; E-Mail: - Know what your child is doing in Mr. Reid’s class; Join Remind: PERIOD 3: TO: 81010; TEXT @period3tri; GO TO THE KILLIAN WEBSITE AT; On the menu bar click on 1. ACADEMICS; CLICK ON DEPARTMENT, 2. CLICK ON “MATHEMATICS”. Click on “MR. REID TRIGONOMETRY & MATH ANALYSIS CLASS” On the right, click on the required TRIGONOMETRY information you need. FOR EXAMPLE; TRIGONOMETRY AGENDA will provide you with information on the week’s lesson.
TRIGONOMETRY AND MATH ANALYSIS: PACING GUIDE FOR 1st 9-WEEKS I. Right Triangle Trigonometry: A. Angles and Radian Measure, B. Right Triangle Trigonometry C. Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle (Unit Circle) D. Trigonometric Functions of Real Numbers E. Real-World Applications. II. Oblique Triangle Trigonometry: A. Law of Sines B. Law of Cosines. III. Graphing Trigonometric Functions and Analytic Trigonometry A. Trigonometric Functions and Their Graphs (Sine, Cosine, Tangent) B. Inverse Trigonometric Functions and Their Graphs C. Applications of Trigonometric Functions
TRIGONOMETRY AND MATH ANALYSIS: PACING GUIDE FOR 2nd 9-WEEKS IV. Identities A. Verifying Trigonometric Identities B. Sum and Difference Formulas C. Half-Angle and Double-Angle Formulas D. Trigonometric Equations V. Polar Coordinates A. Polar Coordinates B. Complex Numbers in Polar Form: DeMoivre’s Theorem VI. Vectors: A. Definition B. Vector Operations C. Applications of Vectors
TRIGONOMETRY AND MATH ANALYSIS: PACING GUIDE FOR 3rd 9-WEEKS I. Relations and Functions: A. Functions and Their Graphs B. Transformations of Functions; C. Composite Functions II. Matrices: A. Matrix Solutions to Linear Systems B. Matrix Operations and Applications C. Multiplicative Inverses of Matrices and Matrix Equations D. Determinants and Cramer’s Rule III. Polynomial Functions A. Polynomial Functions and Their Graphs B. Dividing Polynomials: Remainder and Factor Theorems C. Zeros of Polynomial Functions D. Rational Functions and Their Graphs E. Polynomial and Rational Inequalities
TRIGONOMETRY AND MATH ANALYSIS: PACING GUIDE FOR 4th 9-WEEKS IV. Sequences and Series A. Sequences and Sigma/Summation Notation B. Arithmetic Sequences and Series C. Geometric Sequences and Series D. Real World Problems V. Probability A. Counting Principles, Permutations, and Combinations B. Probability
GRADING SCALE FOR TRIGONOMETRY & MATH ANALYSIS PROGRESS REPORT: -Interim progress report available at the end of each 4th week. GRADING SYSTEM The students’ grades will be based on the following system: A = 100 - 90 Outstanding progress A = 3.50 and above B = 89 - 80 Above average progress B = 2.50 - 3.49 C = 79 - 70 Average progress C = 1.50 - 2.49 D = 69 - 60 Lowest acceptable progress D = 1.00 - 1.49 F = 59 - 0 Failure F = 0.00 - 0.99 I 0 Incomplete I 0 CLASSWORK:-0.5; PARTICIPATION:- 0.5; QUIZ:- 2 Grades; TEST:- 4 GRADES
. SUPPLIES REQUIRED FOR TRIGONOMETRY AND MATH ANALYSIS. 2017-2018 Required Materials (to be brought to class on a daily basis): 1. College ruled and graph paper. 2. Notebook – A 3-ring Binder (at least 1.5-inch) for math only. Students will take notes daily. Notebooks will be checked periodically. 3. PENCIL/Pen – All items to be graded must be done in PENCIL. Ink pens may be used for students' notebooks only. 4. Graphing calculator – student owned, TI-84
ASSIGNMENTS Assignments: There will be a homework check based on the assignments of each week. Also, some random assignments will be collected. Write your name, date, period, page numbers and exercise numbers on every assignment at the top right hand corner of your paper. • A participation grade will be given at the end of each term. • Unannounced notebook checks every nine weeks. Notebook checks will include notes or activities done on random dates. Students are required to have all the notes or activities for those random dates. If notes or activities are incomplete a zero will be given for the particular activity. Notebook check will count as a test grade.
Tests & Quizzes Quizzes will be given on a regular basis. Quizzes may or may not be announced, so students must be prepared by asking questions if they do not understand something. You must show all your work on quizzes to receive full credit. Tests will be cumulative in nature so students must be sure that they keep reviewing prior topics that have been covered. Tests will be announced at least two days prior to the day that it is given. Students will receive review questions prior to each test in order to prepare them for the test. They will be expected to complete these problems and ask any questions prior to the test. I will not answer questions during the test.
STUDENT ATTENDANCE STUDENT ATTENDANCE : Any student who has been absent from school will be marked unexcused absent until she/he submits the required documentation. Failure to provide required documentation within three (3) school days upon the return to school will result in an unexcused absence. A student accumulating ten (10) or more class unexcused absences in an annual course or five (5) or more class unexcused absences in a designated semester course may have quarterly, semester and final grade(s) withheld pending an administrative screening and completion of assigned interventions by the Attendance Review Committee. CODE OF STUDENT CONDUCT (COSC): Parents/guardians can access the COSC in English, and Spanish on the M-DCPS’ website at
KILLIAN WEBSITES FOR TRIGONOMETRY & MATH ANALYSIS On this website you will find the agenda and other related TRIGONOMETRY & MATH ANALYSIS materials. ***I strongly recommend the usage of the website below:; I will be assigning practice examples for students to reinforce concepts covered in class . ANOTHER RELATED WEBSITES: WWW.BRIGHTSTORM.COM Great site, can help with TRIGONOMETRY & MATH ANALYSIS. However, it will cost you a minimum of $10.00 per month to use this site. It will worth it.