Hospitality & Tourism Industry Outlook John A. Williams, Ph.D. Dean The College of Business Administration Director The Hospitality Research Center
Record Spending for Tourism $7.05 billion – a 3.5% increase over visitor spending in 2014 62.9% are repeat visitors Visitors with household income of $200,000 or more are now 10.4% of visitors
Record Spending for Tourism 24.2% of visitors have a household income of $100,000-$149,000 The percentage of visitors with an income of under $25,000 continues to decrease
Average Booking Window (In Months) Source: NOCVB Definite Bookings
Booking Window (In Months) Source: NOCVB Definite Bookings
Hotel Room Rate (In dollars/Annual Average) Source: Smith Travel Research
Hotel Occupancy Rate (Percent/Annual Average) Source: Smith Travel Research
Hotel Room Supply (Annual Average) Source: Smith Travel Research
Casino Revenues ($Millions/Monthly Average) Source: Louisiana State Police
Change in Jobs New Orleans Metro vs. US (2015 over 2014)
Leisure and Hospitality Employment (Jobs in Thousands/Annual Average) Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics
Employment (Jobs in Thousands/Annual Average) Source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics
Visitation and Spending *Total spending is not adjusted for inflation. Gambling was added to the analysis in 2012. Source: New Orleans Visitor Profile 2014, HRC
Hotels In Constr. Final Planning Planning Luxury 1 Upper Upscale 2 6 Upper Midscale 5 8 Midscale 4 Economy Independent TOTAL 7 14 Source: Smith Travel Research
Rooms In Constr. Final Planning Planning Luxury 350 Upper Upscale 692 Upper Midscale 196 882 168 Midscale 522 737 233 Economy Independent 701 TOTAL 718 1,619 2,144 Source: Smith Travel Research
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