The History of the Hall £23/17/6 Money left over after the Silver Jubilee Celebrations of King George V in 1935 A Committee formed in 1936 to build a Village Hall In 1941, Henry Benyon gave “Booker’s Piece” to the residents of Bradfield The Village Hall opened in 1951, with the main hall and a kitchen where the committee room is now. The building extended to add the kitchen and storeroom in 1984.
What happens here? Daily Sunshine Club Tennis Court Playground Car Parking for the Shop and Primary School Field
Who uses the building? Weekly Ballet Bradfield Dog Training Club Bridge Club Monkey Music Street Jazz Tai Chi - Qigong
Monthly users Bradfield Gardening Club Bradfield Parish Council Bradfield WI Saturday Market
The Regulars during the year Annual Meetings for Bradfield Southend Village Stores Berkshire Young Farmers Parish Assembly Sachin Trust Quiz Nights Caravan Rallies
Carey Baptist Church Barbeque Dog shows Reading Pigeon Club Pelham’s Funfair
Bradfield Events Mayfayre Produce Show Our own Fund Raising Events Watermill Theatre Jazz Evening
Why do we want to replace the Hall? Asbestos Roof Roof lining ? Flooring ?
Guttering And the ceiling inside
Porch Wall
Electrics Heating
Gents Toilets Cistern Urinal Drains
The Tennis Court is in a bad state Tarmac Fencing Lighting
Playground Very well used 11 years since it was last refreshed Too near the road No safe footpath to Hall, Tennis Court or Field
Other Problems No accessible toilets for those with disability Kitchen not up to modern requirements Storage is very limited Poor Insulation
Repair v Replace The Costs of Repair to the Building and Grounds Roof and Guttering £44,000 New Toilets including Disabled Toilet £16,000 Insulation to current standards £20,000 Porch £10,000 Electrics Replace control panels Rewire through out Install a sound system £15,000 New efficient heating system £25,000 Car Park resurfacing/making safe for pedestrians £25,000 Total – at least £155,000+
And if we did all of that …. The Hall will be no bigger Multiple events will still be difficult There’ll be no extra storage The car park will be smaller or parking would be on the field Will we have gained anything?
It’s like pouring money into a bottomless pit.
What are we here for? Our Trust Deed states: “The Trust premises shall be held upon trust for the purposes of physical and mental training and recreation…… for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Parish of Bradfield … and its immediate vicinity…..” This property exists for the use of those who live in and around Bradfield We don’t organise events here – just facilitate events
In the Parish Plan in 2008 75% of the Parish responded 66% wanted a new Village Hall That’s just under half [49.5%] of Bradfield residents said they wanted a new hall The Management Committee want to give the residents of Bradfield a facility they can be proud of.
A new Village Hall AND a new Church on Bradfield! Why isn’t there a joint project? This was discussed at length, but … Building would be huge Too many current users – little room for expansion Diocese of Oxford would require exclusive consecrated space for altar Considerable Legal complexities Conflict of interest on occasions [eg funeral/zumba] Many grant funders won’t fund Religious use Hall = Facilitator Church = Provider
However ….. We are working together Same Architects BVH interviewed 6 architects to make decision Saved by using same surveyors Helping each other with skills, knowledge and accommodation Funding from different Sources so won’t compete for same money
How are we going to pay for it? Funding the Project How are we going to pay for it?
Cost Cost in region of £1.75 million A huge a figure for Bradfield to raise but not impossible ! Selling off a piece of land for housing would make a significant contribution towards the cost. Would give credibility to bids to Funding Bodies if we had raised some money ourselves.
Sale of Land The Sale of Land is permitted by our Trust Deed and there will be a referendum of those living in the Parish before this action is taken Englefield Trust are aware of our proposals Is requirement for additional housing locally Would help the community shortage of lower cost housing.
Other Sources of Funding Our own fundraising events Direct giving Pledges and Loans Grants Already received: Greenham Common Grant £200,000 Requires match funding Englefield Estate £4,000
Other Grants To be applied for after Planning Consent is achieved The Power to Change Trust – related to the Big Lottery Fund Sports England Veolia Environmental Trust Grundon Landfill Communities Fund Local Charities
The Process so far … Feasibility Study in 2012 Dialogue with users Project launched last October’s Public Meeting with Indicative Plans Listened to comments Reworked plans Revised plans shown at Public Meeting in May 2015
Next Steps … Comments and observations from Public Meeting discussed and used to firm up the design Submission for planning permission in the Summer
NOW is the Time for Change