What is it and how to achieve it ? Service Culture What is it and how to achieve it ? Steve O’Connor, Director, Information Exponentials Consultancy
A simple Equation ???? A Service model PLUS A Good Culture Equals a good to great Service Organisation
Steve O’Connor Information Exponentials Consultancy Insider or Outsider Over time most of us become Insiders as we grow in our discipline InnoCentive illustrates the power of Outsiders We need to be Outsiders Innocentive started with Eli Lilly. Extended to Proctor and Gamble and General Electric Steve O’Connor Information Exponentials Consultancy
What is Service ? Different perceptions Insiders and Outsiders Differences between ‘For Profit’ McDonalds Restaurants Insurance companies…. And so on Differences between ‘Not For Profit’ Government departments Different sector Libraries What defines ‘good’ service? Is it efficiency? Is it listening? Is it closeness to the Client? What is it?
Good Service ? Is good service include eye contact or a smile ? Can good service be measured? Can staff on one campus think that they work better than in other libraries? What role do Users have in what good service is? How do you provide service to your users if you never see them? If they are only online?
What is a culture ? More difficult to define Perhaps it is the way ‘we do things around here’ It can be imposed.. but is never organic It can be imposed.. but is RARELY organic It can be natural, just evolving… but to where Creating the culture you may want is never easy
exercises What are good examples of Good Service in Public and/or Private organisations? What do Users think is good service and does it differ from staff views? Prove it! Can you measure good service? Do you maintain or develop it? How do you provide good service to users you cannot see?
Creating a Service Culture ? WRAP UP INGREDIENTS Working with staff as a whole Without agreement to proceed, it will not work Understanding your users, their changing need and their perceptions is crucial PROCESS Do not impose but work it up and through the organisation It may/will take some time OUTCOMES An organisation which will be able more easily to achieve their future goals
Steve O’Connor Information Exponentials Consultancy This book is a very practical book describing the process Steve O’Connor Information Exponentials Consultancy
Information Exponentials Consultancy Xie xie daja Hoopencarp Thank you very much Steve O’Connor Information Exponentials Consultancy
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