Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/04.0002 Anglicky v odborných předmětech "Support of teaching technical subjects in English“ Training program: Mechanic - electrotechnician Program name: Digital processing - microprocessors III. class Microcontrollers Elaborated by: Vlastimil Vlček Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/04.0002 je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.
Creation of a source text Creation of a new text file: File/New Saving the file: File/Save As … Source-text writing: ;Program name: test.asm #INCLUDE <P16F883.INC> ;DEFINITION FILE NOP MOVLW .25 MOVWF 0x20 ; 0x20 = first free position in the data memory INCF 0x20 GOTO $-1 END ;END OF THE SOURCE-TEXT WRITING
Insertion of the source text into the project 1. Project window display 2. Insertion of the source text into the project 3. Source text is inserted into the project
Desktop setup From the View menu, select the items Watch and Output. Arrange all the windows suitably on the desktop.
Saving the desktop setup It is possible to save the desktop setup by means of the “Create Window Set” function from the “Window” menu:
Saving the source text and the project MPLAB-IDE distinguishes between: source text editor project editor Source text editor and Project use independent menus for creating, opening and saving of their files: Opening the source text: Opening the project:
Source text editor/ Project - summary Only source-text writing Indicates syntactic errors Distinguishes in color between individual columns of the writing Saving: File/Save As… (only a text file is saved!) Project: Starting, stopping, step-by-step operation and animation of the program Display of the program memory, display of the EEPROM memory Display of SFRs and user registers Work with Breakpoints Stopwatch – measuring the duration of a specific part of the program Programming of a microcontroller Saving: Project/Save Project As…
Summary of the subject matter - exercises Create a source file named “test.asm” Save it to your working file Open the saved file and write a source text in it according to the documentation (keep the right formatting) Save the source text (overwrite the original version)
Summary of the subject matter - exercises Create a new project named “test.mcp” Save the project to the working file Open the project again and insert the source text “test.asm” in it Open the working windows: Watch, Output, Stopwatch
References Datasheet Microchip PIC16F882/883/884/886/887 DS41291E ( Getting Started with PICmicro MCUs MPLAB IDE User’s Guide Quick Guide to Microchip Development Tools