Project Risk Management Case Study Commercial Construction Introduction The Workplace The Project Structure Duties Overlapping Duties & the CCC’s Reasonably Practicable Review Examples & Findings Closing the Gaps in Workplace H & S
Introduction Third party reviews of commercial construction projects (typically new school builds or large renovations) over the last 18 Months Average project length of 12 months Generally monthly reviews (some weekly, some bi monthly) Reviews are a snapshot in time measured against industry good practice. Reviews are designed to coach, educate monitor safety and review (where necessary change) contractor performance in health and safety Reviews completed using HazardCo’s Review App Person in control or who manages a workplace must ensure so far as reasonably practicable the workplace, the means of entering and exiting the workplace, and anything else arising from the workplace are without health and safety risks to any person. Reasonably Practicable Defined as follows:
The Workplace - Schools BOT PCBU’s Principal Students School
The Workplace – A Typical Project Structure PM company MOE Main Contractor company Complex relationship with the big issues being ongoing Coordination, Consultation and Cooperation across all PCBU’s. The reality is that contractors often do not talk to each other about what's happening on site company HazardCo
Duties and Responsibilities MOE/PM/Contractor's/School = All PCBU’s = Primary Duty of Care (PDC) PDC= Ensure the health and safety of workers, and others whose activities they influence or direct, so far as reasonably practicable. PCBU’s who Control or Manage a Workplace must ensure that no person is exposed to a health and safety risk Workers need to take reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of others and to comply with reasonable instructions including following policies and procedures. ALL PCBU’s in a workplace have the same duties and these overlap Multiple PCBU’s involved in the same workplace must Consult, Coordinate & Cooperate to manage H & S risk management Primary Duty of Care - Person in control or who manages a workplace must ensure so far as reasonably practicable the workplace, the means of entering and exiting the workplace, and anything else arising from the workplace are without health and safety risks to any person.
Workplace – Risk Management Overlapping PCBU Duties - Consult, Cooperate Coordinate School Principal PM Main Contractor C C C Regular CCC between parties key to a safe site example Utilities being isolated on a site, plan available and provided to PM, not pushed down to all contractors, no physical markings (and if there were would all workers understand what they meant?) results in a near electrocution, Main contractor decides the outcome Manage Risks School PCBU’s Sub Contractors & Workers
Review Context - Reasonably Practicable DO NOT OVER COMPLICATE RISK MANAGEMENT WorkSafe’s View Reasonably Practicable is a judgement call you, as the PCBU, must make. It involves weighing a risk against the resources (time and cost) needed to manage it. Before Weighing up if something is Reasonably Practicable, You should first consider common controls for common risks. If you follow industry standards or commonly accepted guidelines for carrying out a task (eg common controls), then the likelihood is that you are already taking suitable actions to ensure health and safety. Where these are available, WorkSafe expects people to follow them under most circumstances. If there isn’t a common control for a risk then you need to evaluate the risk and your options to control it. Then, lastly, you would consider the costs and if they are proportionate to the risk. Person in control or who manages a workplace must ensure so far as reasonably practicable the workplace, the means of entering and exiting the workplace, and anything else arising from the workplace are without health and safety risks to any person. Reasonably Practicable Defined as follows:
Fencing Site Security / Excavations Low Standard Fencing Person in control or who manages a workplace must ensure so far as reasonably practicable the workplace, the means of entering and exiting the workplace, and anything else arising from the workplace are without health and safety risks to any person.
Fencing Site Security Good Standard Fencing Person in control or who manages a workplace must ensure so far as reasonably practicable the workplace, the means of entering and exiting the workplace, and anything else arising from the workplace are without health and safety risks to any person.
Electrical Safety Low Standard Electrical Safety Person in control or who manages a workplace must ensure so far as reasonably practicable the workplace, the means of entering and exiting the workplace, and anything else arising from the workplace are without health and safety risks to any person.
Electrical Safety Good Standard Electrical Safety Person in control or who manages a workplace must ensure so far as reasonably practicable the workplace, the means of entering and exiting the workplace, and anything else arising from the workplace are without health and safety risks to any person.
Scaffold Safety Low Standard Scaffold Person in control or who manages a workplace must ensure so far as reasonably practicable the workplace, the means of entering and exiting the workplace, and anything else arising from the workplace are without health and safety risks to any person.
Scaffold Safety Good Standard Scaffold Person in control or who manages a workplace must ensure so far as reasonably practicable the workplace, the means of entering and exiting the workplace, and anything else arising from the workplace are without health and safety risks to any person.
Site Housekeeping/Airborne Contaminants Low Standard Person in control or who manages a workplace must ensure so far as reasonably practicable the workplace, the means of entering and exiting the workplace, and anything else arising from the workplace are without health and safety risks to any person.
Site Housekeeping/Airborne Contaminants Good Standard Person in control or who manages a workplace must ensure so far as reasonably practicable the workplace, the means of entering and exiting the workplace, and anything else arising from the workplace are without health and safety risks to any person.
Workplace Risks Summary KEY – Sample 120 Reviews Q1 Public protection and site security Q2 H&S documents required Q3 Task analysis documents Q4 Workplace inductions Q5 Emergency management Q6 Hazardous substance management Q7 Electrical safety Q8 Power tools Q9 Safe use of ladders Q10 Appropriate PPE Q11 Appropriate noise management Q10 Airborne contaminants managed Q13 Gas cutting / welding equipment Q14 Site housekeeping Q15 Stacked materials Q16 Manual handling Q17 Appropriate fall protection in place Q18 Restraint and fall arrest Q19 Scaffolding and edge protection Q20 Tools and materials secured Q21 Plant and equipment maintenance Q22 Safe excavations Q23 Vehicles safely managed Q24 Lone Workers
Closing the Gaps in Workplace H & S Contractors #1 Engage competent contractors with a good history and track record of safety management who understand their responsibilities Documents Require relevant documents on site e.g. SSSP, TA’s, Emergency Plans, Plant & Equipment Registers Proof of Competency # 2 CCC # 3 Ensure regular engagement with all PCBU’s on site eg prestart meetings, inductions, site reviews and toolbox meetings and stress the 3 C’s Review & Monitor Review the site on every visit (use App) - Monitor Contractors performance against industry good practice – Regular random reviews change behaviour #4 Competent Contractors - Should be assessed as having good health and safety in pace and a good track record of safe practices Documents - Appropriate for the site and work being undertaken and relevant to the risks CCC - Consult, Cooperate, Coordinate Ensure H &S covered in Pre start meetings (see Prestart checklist) talk to PCBU’s and Workers on Site, not just at meetings, ensure regular toolbox meetings being held on site, talk to school and ensure everyone understands their roles Review & Monitor – Use Site Checklist or our App to ensure H 7 S in place eg SSSP, inductions, toolbox meetings and reviews being undertaken on site. Assess the site using App, seek advice if unsure. Also ensure downstream Contractors are reviewing their own work areas and regularly communicating with those in the workplace. Are incident investigations underway and findings passed to you (MOE) and presumably head office. Act on what you see or find or hear - discuss with relevant PCBU’s -drive positive H & S behaviors ensure issues are resolved in a timely manner Escalate – In a timely manner, not comfortable seek 2nd opinion, don’t take a contractor at their word if you think there are issues. Shut site down if need be Lead Set the standards required eg Fllow MOE Site Visit Doc (I would go further eg no step ladders, minimum PPE, etc) where the correct PPE, encourage inductions during visits and updates when going onto site. Workers will not manage safety if they think those in charge don’t take it seriously. Upskill in Health and safety eg have an understand the basics of industry best practice –This helps to drive a culture of safety first down the food chain Act #5 Leadership Stop unsafe practices, Report review findings to key stakeholders, seek advice and escalate where required - insist on safe practices – Do not ignore (accept) unsafe practice Be an example, promote safety first, be accountable, wear appropriate PPE, encourage safe behaviour at every opportunity and know what safe looks like – promote everyone is responsible for they can control or influence #6