Bus M 494R – On Campus Internship Roger McCarty | David Hollan
What is OCI? This course is designed to help students experience real- life professional internship projects within a team setting. The internships are designed to have a moderate level of complexity consistent with a summer internship requiring initiative, creativity, communication, interpersonal skills, and sound judgment. It may not be possible to complete all possible analyses and evaluations requested by the company sponsor, so it will be the responsibility of the team to negotiate reasonable deliverables with the sponsor. The course will focus on having students learn through actual team and personal experiences in a professional setting and interaction with business professionals. The experience will culminate with providing professional results to the sponsors and providing honest feedback for their teammates and mentors throughout the semester. May require more than one slide
What to Expect Inverted Class Canvas – http://byu.instructure.com Complete assignments and lessons BEFORE class Class – 6 times – Discussion, Clarity, Problem Solving Team Meetings, Sponsor Connection, Individual Work – 7.5 to 9 hours per week Dashboard – http://marriottschool.byu.edu/explearn/dashboard/student Project Roles – 5 Defined Mentor Teaching Assistants May require more than one slide
Parable of the 10 Virgins – Matthew 25:1-13
This Week’s Discussion
Teaching in the Savior’s Way Prepare to learn Interact to edify Invite to act
Welcome & Week 1 Material Reflection Assignment: Class Introduction Video Outcomes – Student, Professional-in-Waiting, Professional Keys to Success – Organize & Schedule, Over-Communicate, Challenge Yourself Dashboard – Log Hours, Meetings, Accomplishments & Impact, Plans Grading Team Roles Reflection Assignment: Alma 47-48 Moroni vs Amalakiah Team Formation Completed and Uploaded Mentor TA Resources: Anything You Can Beg, Borrow, or Create May require more than one slide
What went well?
What problems were you able to resolve?
What problems are you still facing now?
What have you learned so far that will help you in your career?
Prepare for Next Week
Next Week’s Work Week 2 Readiness Survey Reflection Assignments Identify the Deliverables and The Engagement Letter Come to a True Understanding of the Deliverables What do they really need? Personal Goals
Break for Team Time