Cyber Awareness Training on MarineNet This course will fulfill the requirement for new civilians reporting to Marine Corps Forces Command (MARFORCOM) as well as annual training requirements needed to access USMC unclassified networks. If you have questions concerning this training please contact Wanda Phillips at (757) 836-1718 or Tess Acosta at (757) 836-1560.
Go to Click on Sign Up for a New MarineNet Account
Type in your SSN, Name and Date of Birth
Type in your “name” “personal“ email address, for work phone number enter “(757) 836-1718”, for address enter “1775 Forrestal Drive, Norfolk, Virginia 23551” Account Justification: Type in “New USMC employee” Sponsor Information: Type in “Wanda Phillips,, (757) 836-1718” Click “Submit”
Once logged in please go to Course Catalog
Click on Civilian Workforce Training, click on Annual Training (AT) and then select Civilian Cyber Awareness Training (CYBERC). Then click on “Enroll” at the bottom of the screen.
The course includes both USMC Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Annual Training (DONPII010A) and DOD Cyber Awareness Challenge (DODCAC1000) Once you have completed the course print a copy of the certificate. Bring the copy of the certificate with you on your reporting day.