UAH Discrimination/Harassment Policy and Procedures
UAH Equal Opportunity Policy Statement Workplace Environment Commitment to equal opportunity Commitment to affirmative action Learning Environment – commitment to equal opportunity Harassment Generic statement Sexual harassment statement Discriminatory conduct – disciplinary action Compliance with federal and state laws Miscellaneous provisions
UAH Discrimination Complaint Procedures Introductory Matters and Overview Applies to complaints alleging: Discrimination Harassment Interests implicated Campus – protect against unlawful discrimination Victim – provide redress Accused – insure recognition of rights Responsibility for action All members of UAH community Supervisors and administrators Dealing with unlawful discrimination Education
Introductory Matters and Overview Procedure Time issues Bringing of complaint Timely filing No statute of limitations Expeditious handling by University Retaliation Non-retaliation policy
Initiation and Intake Phase Intake officials Student complaints – VP, Student Affairs Staff complaints – Assoc. VP, Human Resources Faculty complaints – Assoc. Provost, Undergraduate Studies First notice of complaint - supervisor Informal action – “voluntary settlement” Counseling Confidentiality Why important “Need to know” limits No absolute assurance
Preliminary Action Phase Filing of written complaint Referral For student respondent – Code of Student Conduct process For all other respondents – Preliminary Action Officer (PAO) Written notice to respondent – “cognizant VP” Dismissal (frivolous or meritless complaint)
Preliminary Action Phase Preliminary Action Officer Appointment Duties Facilitate voluntary settlement Conduct investigation Make findings and recommendations Submit written report to cognizant VP
Preliminary Action Phase Cognizant Vice President action Agree with “no reasonable basis” finding – dismiss Disagree with “no reasonable basis findings” refer for formal proceedings Agree with “reasonable basis” finding –refer for formal proceedings Agree with “reasonable basis” finding – impose oral/written reprimand or warning Attempt to settle Appeal of Cognizant VP action - President
Formal Proceedings Phase Adversary hearing Faculty respondent – combination of grievance procedures/for cause termination procedures used Staff respondent Hearing panel – findings and recommendations submitted to President President action Dismiss complaint Impose appropriate sanction
Special Issues Case of reluctant complainant Other issues Complainant’s “mixed signals” “Guilty” knowledge Need for follow-up Other issues