Ensuring appropriate mental health coverage in JSNA’s: Hertfordshire’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment Stephany Villanueva, Senior Analyst (JSNA) PH.Intelligence@hertfordshire.gov.uk 25 October 2016
What is the JSNA? (recap) The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is a continuous process of assessment of the health and wellbeing needs of our local population. These assessments provide the evidence base that can help support commissioners to better target their services and interventions which in turn helps to reduce health inequalities.
What is included in a JSNA? A JSNA is a document that outlines specific problems that can arise from a particular health topic. It should identify the causes and risk factors and then propose solutions through analysis of quantitative and qualitative data available It then sets out recommendations that give the ‘so what?’ for local commissioning and decision making Nationally, there are no current mandatory data sets that must be included and no specific format that must be followed. Therefore a JSNA will look different in a different area
Previous JSNA work on Mental Health Identified gap of Mental Health intelligence on our JSNA Commissioned Jonathan Campion to undertake a Mental health needs assessment. Highlighted: Need for whole systems approach to mental health Opportunities for improvement Need for school and workplace interventions Employment and accommodation for people with mental disorders Improved coverage and investment of public mental health interventions
Brought mental health to the forefront This work helped provide the evidence base for our: July 2015 – July 2016 County-wide initiative intended to: Tackle mental health stigma and discrimination Help people get better access to treatment and care Gain parity of access to treatment for both mental and physical health Different events included: mental health courses (i.e. Youth Mental Health First Aid course), Suicide Awareness and Prevention training, Hertfordshire Mental Health workplace challenge, Free park runs in Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire Health Walks, Dementia production screening of “Inside Out of Mind” and panel discussion.
Brought mental health to the forefront This work helped provide the evidence base for our: Health & Wellbeing Strategy Now references mental health through a life course approach: Starting Well Developing Well Living & Working Well Ageing Well
Brought mental health to the forefront Health & Wellbeing Strategy Starting Well Put a greater focus on the mental health of women in the period immediately before and after birth Developing Well Seek to address commonly experienced issues, such as bullying, which have a negative impact on children and young people’s mental wellbeing Living Well Strive to address the wider causes of poor mental health and support those who are experiencing mental health problems to recover or manage their condition Ageing Well Enable people to live in their own homes for as long as possible and reduce social isolation in people aged over 65, ensuring good support and access to services up to the end of life
Brought mental health to the forefront This work helped provide the evidence base for our: Draft Mental Health Strategy 2016-2021 Developed in order to communicate what needs to be done to ensure people in Hertfordshire can manage their own mental health and wellbeing, access treatment and help when they need it and recover, with support if required, and maximise the independence of Hertfordshire residents. (Soon to be published).
Changing the Hertfordshire JSNA status quo Lessons Learned: Usability (fit for purpose?) User-friendliness Varying degrees of robustness Utilising all types of evidence (data, academic literature, local case studies) Need for recommendations (based on evidence) Decision to overhaul JSNA (website, products and format)
New Hertfordshire JSNA What will be included? Executive Summary (Infographic) Contents What’s the issue? Causes & Risk factors Scale of the issue Solutions Analysis Recommendations References Appendices
Hertfordshire’s Mental Health JSNA The future of Hertfordshire’s Mental Health JSNA What will be included? What’s the issue? Defining the issue for population mental health and wellbeing and setting out the life course approach Causes & risk factors Concise overview of research evidence on what factors contribute to or are associated with mental ill-health based on a literature review. Scale of the issue Concise overview of evidence on scale of mental health issues and geographic spread; including data on prevalence, incidence and service uptake
Hertfordshire’s Mental Health JSNA The future of Hertfordshire’s Mental Health JSNA Solutions Concise overview of evidence of what works to address mental health issues based on rapid literature review, plus what programmes, services and interventions are currently in place locally (including data on effectiveness of current services). Analysis Interpretation of evidence presented in the above sections, including analysis of unmet need and a sub-section stating limitations of the needs assessment. Recommendations Concise recommendations giving the ‘so what?’ for local commissioning and decision-making
Major themes to be included Each of the main sections will be split into four overarching life course themes: Starting Well (0-5 including perinatal) Developing Well (>5-25) Living and Working Well (working age) Ageing Well (65+) Each life course theme in turn will cover: Emotional wellbeing Mental disorders Co-morbidities The aim is to give a user friendly assessment of the causes and risk factors, key statistics, current provision (prevention and treatment), evidence of what works and recommendations to better meet the population’s needs across the spectrum of mental health.
Data Analysis (through stakeholder engagement) Mental Health Tartan Rugs
Data Analysis (through stakeholder engagement) Mental Health Data Dashboards
Data Analysis (through stakeholder engagement) Inclusion of Case Studies
Thank you Questions or comments? Stephany Villanueva Please feel free to contact me Stephany Villanueva Stephany.Villanueva@Hertfordshire.gov.uk or PH.Intelligence@Hertfordshire.gov.uk