Suggested Home Learning activities Year 2 class news at Ysgol y Ddraig Week Ending: Friday 23rd June 2017 This week… In literacy we have based much of our work on Jack and the Beanstalk. We have found wow words that describe Jack, the giant’s castle, Jack’s cottage and the beanstalk. We discussed and wrote about whether Jack was right or wrong to steal from the giant and made a story map. We practised our reading skills and answered comprehension questions based on the story and wrote a letter to the giant. In Numeracy we were very excited to find that a giant had been spotted in our school grounds. We investigated the crime scene and took measurements of the giant’s outline and his footsteps. We also looked for clues around the school and solve measuring problems. In topic we have continued our mini beast studies including bug hunts, habitat investigations, butterfly life cycles and written mini beast facts files. Suggested Home Learning activities Next week we are going to be writing a newspaper report. It would be helpful if you could read a suitable newspaper article with your child or watch CBBC Newsround to get some ideas. Reminders/Information Shoe Boxes- We will be making a small world setting for Jack the beanstalk. Please can your child bring a shoebox to school on Monday. Any extra boxes you have would be appreciated. Home Reading Books - Please can the children bring their reading book in everyday. PE This term PE will be on Tuesday. Please can children have PE kit including suitable footwear for outdoor games. Fruit snack – Children are welcome to either bring their own snack or buy snack from our tuck shop at a cost of 20p per day/£1 a week