Cat Dissection Lymphatic System
The thoracic duct of the cat may be seen lying parallel to the thoracic aorta in the thoracic cavity
Cat - Spleen Cat Lymph Node
Cat Dissection Respiratory System
7 lobes
Right Pleural Cavity
Right Anterior Lobe 1. Left Anterior Lobe Right Middle Lobe 2. Left Middle Lobe Right Mediastinal Lobe 3. Left Posterior Lobe Right Posterior Lobe
Cat Dissection Urinary System
Kidney, Ureter and Urinary Bladder
1. Renal Capsule 2. Renal Cortex 3. Renal Medulla 4. Renal Pyramid 5. 1. Renal Capsule 2. Renal Cortex 3. Renal Medulla 4. Renal Pyramid 5. Renal Pelvis 6. Renal Column 7. Renal Calyx 8. Ureter
Renal Artery/Vein 5. Testes Ureter 6. Penis Kidney 4. Bladder Renal Artery/Vein 5. Testes Ureter 6. Penis
Kidney 5. Ureter Uterine Horns 6. Ovary Body of the Uterus 7. Adrenal Glands Urinary Bladder
Cat Dissection Digestive System
Cat Dissection Parotid Gland Sublingual Gland Submandibular Gland Esophagus Tongue Masseter Muscle Larynx Trachea 1. Parotid gland 2. Sublingual gland 3. Submandibular gland 4. Esophagus 5. Tongue 6. Masseter muscle 7. Larynx 8. Trachea
Cat Dissection Abdomen 1. Diaphragm 7. Right Medial Lobe of Liver 2. Round Ligament 8. Right Lateral Lobe of Liver 3. Falciform Ligament 9. Gall Bladder 4. Left Lateral Lobe of Liver 10. Spleen 5. Left Medial Lobe of Liver 11. Greater Omentum 6. Quadrate Lobe of Liver
Cat Abdomen – Greater Omentum Removed 1. Cardiac Stomach 8. Ascending Colon 2. Fundic Stomach 9. Ileum 3. Stomach Body 10. Jejunum 4. Pyloric Stomach 11. Sigmoid Colon 5. Lesser Omentum 12. Spleen 6. Duodenum 13. Gastrospleenic Ligament 7. Pancreas (Ventral) 14. Bladder
Small and Large Intestine Removed
1. Small Intestine 6. Transverse Colon 2. THE Mesentary 7. Descending Colon 3. Ileum 8. Sigmoid Colon 4. Cecum 9. Mesocolon 5. Ascending Colon 10. Greater Omentum
Gall Bladder and Lobes of the Liver
Cat Dissection Reproductive System
Male Cat Urogenital System 1. Scrotum 9. NA 2. Glans Penis 10. Internal Spermatic Artery 3. Prepuce (Foreskin) 11. Vas Deferens 4. Testis 12. Bladder 5. Epididymus 13. Urethra 6. NA 14. Prostate Gland 7. Spermatic Cord 15. NA 8. Abdominal Wall 16. Shaft of Penis
Female Cat Urogenital System 1. Urethra 6. Ovarian Ligament 2. Body of Uterus 7. Ovary 3. Bladder 8. Suspensory Ligament 4. Uterine Horn 9. Fallopian Tube 5. Broad Ligament 10. NA