TIENEN 5 MINUTOS Objective: Vocab/Ideas: Vámonos: I can read and understand Chapter 1 of El viaje de su vida El viaje Translate the following sentences: Un crucero La gente Sonríe/ Ríe Someone steals from me. Ladrón/ Ladrona It seems to me that it’s true. It’s my turn to dance. She finds a hamburger.
VÁMONOS Someone steals from me. It seems to me that it’s true. It’s my turn to dance. She finds a hamburger. Alguien me roba. Me parece que es verdad. Me toca bailar. Ella encuentra una hamburguesa.
VOCAB/IDEAS Our new vocabulary words will be on the top of the slide. If you think you know what the word means, raise your hand. I will call on someone to share the definition. For each new word, we will need an action. After we have the definition, if you can ACT OUT the word, raise your hand. I will call on someone to share the action with the class. Everyone will do the new action.
El viaje The trip
Un crucero A cruise ship
La gente The people
Sonríe/ Ríe He or she smiles/ He or she laughs
Ladrón/Ladrona Thief
GROUP GAME: MATAMOSCAS I will divide the classroom into 2 teams. Each team will line up in front of the board. When I say the word in English, the first person will “swat” the word on the board. They will then tell me the word/phrase in Spanish. For the team to get the point, everyone in line must be doing the action to go along with the word.
Un crucero La gente Ladrón/ Ladrona Sonríe Alguien El viaje Ríe Me toca Me parece
READING PASSAGE: PATRICIA VA A CALIFORNIA BY BLAINE RAY, CHAPTER 1 While reading, underline passages you understand and circle words you do not know. Make sure you are writing the English in between the lines or on the side.
P. 1
P. 2
P. 3
P. 4
P. 5
P. 6
P. 7
INDIVIDUAL PRACTICE: WRITING You will write a story using the new vocab/ideas we learned today. Your story MUST include all of the vocab/ideas. Some people will share their stories with the class.
TAREA Finish reading Chapter 1 Story Summary Re-read the story and write a short summary in English. Study your location flashcards for at least 10 minutes