BCS: Learning | tests | notes Imedia: sound project | early stages WELCOME BCS: Learning | tests | notes Imedia: sound project | early stages
TASK ONE BCS STUDENTS IMEDIA STUDENTS Start up in Windows Log on to BCS learning Get to your learning point Start up in Mac Load the document you started in MS Word last lesson (the one where you listed the different sectors that use sound etc.)
TASK two Set out your book with: Open the webpage Text2Mindmap BCS STUDENTS IMEDIA STUDENTS Set out your book with: Date: 16th Sept 2016 Topic: Wordprocessing Aspect: Tables Progress: TTT Open the webpage Text2Mindmap
TASK three BCS STUDENTS IMEDIA STUDENTS Make progress… learning | making notes | taking end of section tests etc. Finish the mindmap
Activity: How are digital sounds used? Create a mind-map listing the ways that digital audio products can be used in at least four different sectors (e.g. public sector, entertainment, business sector, education) Give examples of actual professional products and include images to represent sectors/how sound has been used
START SOFTWARE (text 2 mindmap) One: work on this box Two: detail
Click to draw
NEXT TASK: Choose at least one example of digital sound from each of the four main sectors (education, entertainment, business, commercial) and: Specify the sector that it has been created for Describe the elements/properties that it is made up of Explain the purpose of the sound file and how the elements/properties help meet it
“Digital sounds from different sectors” STEP 1: WRITE A SUB TITLE “Digital sounds from different sectors”
STEP 2: INSERT A TABLE “Digital sounds from different sectors” Sector Purpose Elements Education Business Commercial Entertainment Public
STEP 3: ADD DETAILS OF A SOUND “Digital sounds from different sectors” Sector Sound Purpose Elements Education (1) Sound track that appears in a Khan academy podcast. To explain to students how to solve a mathematical equation. Male voice speaking over the top of a video. Musical jingle at start of the podcast Education (2) Sound that can be heard when a computer switches on To let user know that the speakers are working and that the computer is starting A nice musical tone plays for about one second
STEP 4: ADD DETAILS OF MORE SOUNDS “Digital sounds from different sectors” Sector Sound Purpose Elements Entertainment (1) Bell sound when Mario jumps up and touches something (in Super Mario game) To let the user know that they’ve got a current The sound of an electronic bell Entertainment (2)
STEP 5: ADD DETAILS OF MORE SOUNDS “Digital sounds from different sectors” Sector Sound Purpose Elements Public sector (1) Alert sound made by a doctor’s ‘beeper’ when they get a call. To let the doctor know they’ve got to respond to an emergency A repeating pulse of an electronic noise Public sector (2)
STEP 6: ADD DETAILS OF MORE SOUNDS “Digital sounds from different sectors” Sector Sound Purpose Elements Commercial sector (1) Alert sound made at a cashpoint. To let the user of the cash machine know they need to respond to something (such as to allow more time) A repeating high pitched pulse of an electronic noise Commercial sector (2)
Difference Between Analog & Digital Analog: Information is translated into electrical pulses of varying amplitude (e.g. human voice, Analog devices) – replicates original sound wave Digital: Translates data into binary (1/0) where each bit is represented as two distinct amplitudes (e.g. computers, CDs, MP3) – Takes samples of original sound at different rates
iMedia students
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