Bull Shark By : James Armstrong
facts Bull Sharks are very mean. They do not like humans. They can rip up a human less then 2 minutes. You do not want to see one. They are the average size is 6 feet. They like to swim on shallow water. you are most likely to see one in Mexico. The usually have 4 – 10 baby Bull Sharks at a time.
Biome and habitats They live in tropical water. They live in the ocean. You are more likely to find on the coast of South and North America. You can also find them in Australia and Africa.
Food web Bull Sharks are at the top of the food chain. They eat anything the wants to get in a fight with them. Them fish eat baby Minos. Then the Minos eat sea weed.
Physical features The color of there there skin is is light gray. They have a tall grey fin on top of there body. Bull sharks are the meanest sharks in the world according to experts. The shark is white under his body. They have 2 dorsal fins. Males can get up to 7.5 feet long. Females can get up to 14.1 feet long.
Adaptations They can smell there enemy's. Helps them find prey. They can store salt in there bodies. Helps them hunt for food. They can sense enemy's near by. Helps them find prey as well.
Bibliography http://phanimaladaptations.weebly.com/bull-sharks.html http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/Carcharhinus_leucas/ physical features. http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/ biome and food chain and food web. Bull Sharks book ( facts and physical features. http://phanimaladaptations.weebly.com/bull-sharks.html
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