Ad Stats- From The National Institute on Media & The Family


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Presentation transcript:

Ad Stats- From The National Institute on Media & The Family The average American child may view as many as 40,000 television commercials every year (Strasburger, 2001). Children as young as age three recognize brand logos (Fischer, 1991), with brand loyalty influence starting at age two (McNeal, 1992). In 2002, children ages four to twelve are expected to spend an estimated $40 billion (McNeal, 2002). In 1997, $1.3 billion was spent on television advertisements directed at children. Counting all media, advertising and marketing budgets aimed at children approached $12 billion (McNeal, 1999). Children who watch a lot of television, want more toys seen in advertisements and eat more advertised food than children who do not watch as much television (Strasburger, 2002). Four hours of television programming contain about 100 ads (Minneapolis Star Tribune, 1999).

Ad Stats- From Advertising is Good for You. 67% of respondents agree that "advertising funds low-cost and free content on the Internet, TV, newspapers and other media."  81% agreed that "advertising and sponsorship are important to fund sporting events, art exhibitions and cultural events." 71% agreed that "advertising contributes to growth of the economy.“ 67% agreed that "by providing me with information, advertising allows me to make better consumer choices." And 66% agreed that "advertising often gets my attention and is entertaining.“ Moms control 85% of household spending

Ads- From Advertising is Good for You. Agree or Disagree? Advertising does not make you buy things you don’t need. Advertising doesn’t make kids fat. Advertising does not cause eating disorders. Advertising people aren’t sinister types who spend their time hatching dangerous campaigns to hurt people.

Ads- Group Debate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 # Statement Debate Advertising does not make you buy things you don’t need. Point- A 2 Advertising makes you buy things you don’t need. 3 Advertising doesn’t make kids fat. Point- B 4 Advertising makes kids fat. 5 Advertising does not cause eating disorders. Point- C 6 Advertising causes eating disorders. 7 Advertising people aren’t sinister types Point- D 8 Advertising people are sinister types

Ads- Group Debate Instructions Your group is to research and find facts, stats, and evidence supporting whatever side of the debate you’ve been given. Once you have all of the research complete each group member must present part of the argument. Each group will present their statements, facts, and images in a powerpoint.

TV Stats- From Turn Off your TV Most 2- to 5-year-olds watch TV an average of 31 hours each week, or more than 4 hours each day. Prime time TV has an average of 6 violent acts every hour; children’s programming has an average of 26 violent acts every hour. Children watching TV may see 50,000 TV commercials each year. The average American family has the TV on for 6.2 hours every day. 45% percent of American homes watch news during dinner. The average news item runs no longer than 45 seconds. Only 10% of children’s viewing time is spent watching children’s television; the other 90% is spent watching programs designed for adults.

TV offers benefits to kids Because of its ability to create powerful touchstones, TV enables young people to share cultural experiences with others. Shared viewing gives family members of all ages an opportunity to spend time together. Parents can use TV as a catalyst to get kids reading—following up on TV programs by getting books on the same subjects or reading authors whose work was adapted for the programs. Great television can teach kids important values and life lessons. TV programs often explores controversial or sensitive issues, which can make it easier for parents and kids to discuss them. Educational programming can develop young children's socialization and learning skills. News, current events and historical programming can help make young people more aware of other cultures and people. Documentaries can help develop critical thinking about society and the world.

TV- Group Debate 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 # Statement Debate People have grown addicted to television, often neglecting more important things like meals, sleep, and even work. Point- A 2 People have not grown addicted to television, and find time for important things like meals, sleep, and work. 3 People who do not watch television are happier than those who watch it. Point- B 4 People who watch television are happier than those who do not watch it. 5 TV completely cuts the viewer off from the real world. Point- C 6 TV completely informs the viewer about from the real world. 7 Television prevents people from communicating with each other. Point- D 8 Television helps people communicate with each other.

TV- Group Debate Instructions Your group is to research and find facts, stats, and evidence supporting whatever side of the debate you’ve been given. Once you have all of the research complete each group member must present part of the argument. Each group will present their statements, facts, and images in a powerpoint.