Effects of Fragrance Materials on Humans Dr. Sitaram Dixit Independent Consultant - Flavor & Fragrance, Home, Fabric & Personal Care Chemical Industry Fragrance & Flavor 2017, Exhibition & Conference, 21 April 2017
Fragrances Effect Thinking & Behavior! Physiologically – relating to the way in which a living organism or bodily part functions Psychologically – in a way that affects the mind or relates to the emotional state of a person Aromatherapy is a holistic therapy using fragrant essential oil to treat body and mind. The odour of the fragrant oil re-balances the body systems to help aid relaxation, assist in healing and alleviate stress. Aromachology is the scientific study of olfactory effects in humans. It is all about the science of smell.
Olfactory Receptors www.sitaramdixit.weebly.com, www.sitaramdixit.bravesites.com, www.sitaramdixit.yolasite.com
Amygdala Hippocampus www.sitaramdixit.weebly.com, www.sitaramdixit.bravesites.com, www.sitaramdixit.yolasite.com
Theory to Examine Physiological – Relating to the way in which a living organism or bodily part functions Psychological – In a way that affects the mind or relates to the emotional state of a person
Pharmacological Hypothesis Fragrances directly affect our Physiology Systems Nervous system Endocrine system (hormones) Fragrances act on our bodies like drugs : Interact with hormones and neurotransmitters producing change. Aroma chemicals enters human body bloodstream through: Nasal mucosa (mucus membranes in the nose) Lung mucosa (mucus membranes in the lungs) Olfactory nerves (skipping the bloodstream and getting directly into the brain through the nerves in our nose) www.sitaramdixit.weebly.com, www.sitaramdixit.bravesites.com, www.sitaramdixit.yolasite.com
EVIDENCE FOR Fragrance of Lavender show direct influence in the brain. Studies with rats (with the olfactory system destroyed) still have effects with some fragrances . It is not the “smell” but the chemicals being absorbed into the body.
No data yet on fragrances getting into the bloodstream of humans. EVIDENCE AGAINST No data yet on fragrances getting into the bloodstream of humans. Odor levels of “aromatherapy inhalation of oils” very low in chemicals to affect human body to influence humans physiologically. A caffeinated beverage takes 20 minutes for the chemical to enter human body and influence your behavior. Fragrances can affect us almost immediately. There is not enough time for a chemical to be really metabolized or to influence our body.
Carvone Effect on human body - Very different between the two. From seeds of caraway (Carum carvi), Spicy (S ) From Spearmint (Mentha spicata), Spearmint (R) Effect on human body - Very different between the two. S - Very little effect on physiology R - Increases in pulse rate, blood pressure, and restlessness. Therefore Scent, not the molecule, makes the difference. Similar experiments – Limonene, linalool, vanillin, etc…
Psychological Hypothesis Fragrances produce effects through experience , learning, memories, conscious perception, beliefs, and expectations. Smell of dogs Loved by a dog, Attacked by a dog. Fragrances are highly tied to emotional memories – good and bad. www.sitaramdixit.weebly.com, www.sitaramdixit.bravesites.com, www.sitaramdixit.yolasite.com
EVIDENCE FOR Direct connections between the effects of smell and the parts of the brain associated with emotions and memories. The olfactory nerve (smell) travels right next to the amygdala and the hippocampus, both involved with strong emotions and memories and learning. Liking a smell tends to be directly related to how it affects our mood. If a fragrance has been shown in a lab to have a certain effect, but you don’t like the smell, that effect does not to work with you! www.sitaramdixit.weebly.com, www.sitaramdixit.bravesites.com, w ww.sitaramdixit.yolasite.com
Factors that influence the effect fragrances Hedonic characteristics (in other words, whether the smell is simply pleasant to you) Culture (various cultures have different meanings attached to fragrances) Experiences Sex Personality (certain personality traits increase a person’s sensitivity to smells) www.sitaramdixit.weebly.com, www.sitaramdixit.bravesites.com, www.sitaramdixit.yolasite.com
Fragrances affect Humans like Music Does not change hormone levels directly. It influences our brain systems involved with perception and memory. Sometimes you are in the “mood” for a fast and loud song, sometimes a quiet song. Sometimes a song reminds you of a good memory of a person sometimes bad. Sometimes a song really speaks to your personality or culture. Fragrances work the same way! www.sitaramdixit.weebly.com, www.sitaramdixit.bravesites.com, www.sitaramdixit.yolasite.com
Study on Fragrance Liking Both British and American participants British – Wintergreen given the lowest pleasantness ratings. Americans – Wintergreen was one of the highest pleasantness ratings. In Britain – Wintergreen was a scent used for medicines and analgesics reminding them of injuries, doctors, and hospitals! In the United States, was used for popular candies. Participants liking wintergreen was based on their memories and associations. www.sitaramdixit.weebly.com, www.sitaramdixit.bravesites.com, www.sitaramdixit.yolasite.com
Conclusion Psychological hypothesis is more appropriate . Fragrances are not strong enough to make a difference physiologically or influence body chemicals directly, our senses of smell are fluid and psychological. Fragrances interact with human beliefs, personal histories, memories, culture and expectations affecting people differently and there is no “universal” responses to scents. People have different tastes when it comes to fragrances and we can change a person’s beliefs or expectations about a smell and that influences whether they like the smell. www.sitaramdixit.weebly.com, www.sitaramdixit.bravesites.com, www.sitaramdixit.yolasite.com
Physiological Influence of Fragrances Allergen Dermatological / Sensitivity / Skin Contact Dermatitis Anosmia - Eating, drinking, sex drive - Depression Impact warning systems, breathing system Pleasurable - Evoke emotions, memories, happy mood www.sitaramdixit.weebly.com, www.sitaramdixit.bravesites.com, www.sitaramdixit.yolasite.com
Fragrances directly affect Humans Psychologically and indirectly Physiologically
Thanks & Best Wishes Dr. Sitaram Dixit Independent Consultant - Flavor & Fragrance, Home, Fabric & Personal Care Chemical Industry Cell: + 91 - 9967607095 www.sitaramdixit.weebly.com www.sitaramdixit.bravesites.com www.sitaramdixit.yolasite.com