Update of the French activities relevant to ILWS Jean-Yves Prado, CNES
Status of CNES projects PICARD Phase C/D in progress Launch planned for june 2009 Science Workshop at Yale in March, next in Toronto in July TARANIS Phase B will end in september NASA funding for JHU/APL XGRE inst through SMEX/MoO AO- No information Launch expected for 2011-12 SMESE Phase A ended in May ’08 Well attended Science Workshop in Paris last March Next step to be discussed during CNES ‘SPC’ this week – 4 options presented Launch objective 2012-2013 ALL BASED ON MYRIADE PLATEFORMES ILWS Prague, 11-12 June, 2008
PICARD SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTS in orbit: - Diameter, limb shape and asphericity in the continuum - TSI (x2) - 5 spectral channels (215,393, 535, 607, 782 nm) - Activity (images at 215 nm and Ca II)=> space weather - Solar oscillations from the ground : - diameter, limb shape and asphericity, - local atmosphere turbulence ILWS Prague, 11-12 June, 2008
TARANIS OBJECTIVES Description - characterization of the sprites and associated emissions, measurements of their occurrence frequency and of their distribution at the scale of the earth. (caméras, EM waves, X and spectra, high energy electrons) - study of the effects of the magnetic latitude and volcanic activity Implied mechanisms - determination of the nature of the triggering phenomena (cosmic radiation) - determination of the source mechanisms (EM waves, X and spectra, high energy electrons) - study of the nature of the explosive dissipation of energy in the ionosphere and magnetosphere (EM waves, X and spectra, high energy electrons) Global impact - determination of the effects on the upper atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere (EM waves, high energy electrons, associated ground based measurements, other satellites) - evaluation of the coupling atmosphere - ionosphere - magnetosphere and inter-planetary medium ILWS Prague, 11-12 June, 2008
Dedicated to understanding TARANIS Dedicated to understanding Atmosphere/ionosphere/magnetosphere coupling (sprites, elves, blue jets…) Microcameras + photometer -MCM- CEA (+JP) EM measurements -IEM- LPCE (+PL,TCH) X-gamma Detector -XGD- JHU/APL (USA), DNSC (DK) Detector of high Energy ElectronsCESR (+TCH) Quasi Sun Synchronous Orbit (2hrs LT drift/year) Phase B to end in September XGRE funding from NASA yet not known Launch >2011 ILWS Prague, 11-12 June, 2008
SMESE General View LYOT DESIR HEBS ILWS Prague, 11-12 June, 2008
SMESE payload required performances Wavelength/ Energy Field of View Spatial resolution Cadence LYOT : La imager 121.6 nm Full Disk 1.1 arcsec 10 s LYOT : La coronagraph 5*5 solar radii 2.3 arcsec 20 s DESIR : Infra-red Telescope 35 ≤ 1 ≤ 80 microns 100≤ 2 ≤ 250 microns 50 arcsec at 35 microns 100 ms HEBS 10-500keV 200keV-10MeV 10MeV-600MeV Full disk 1 s, down to 32 ms ILWS Prague, 11-12 June, 2008
SMESE Firsts First combined imaging (disk, corona) in Ly with high time resolution and sensitivity to trace the development of CMEs in the low corona + first polarimetric corona measurements, First ever measurements of solar flares in the far infrared, key range for relativistic leptons and chromospheric plasma heated during flares, First hard X-ray/gamma ray spectrometry at the highest energies ever attained with a solar-dedicated instrument, to study the most energetic electrons and nuclear processes in the Sun’s atmosphere. Interest for Radiobiology ILWS Prague, 11-12 June, 2008
Mission sequence PICARD SMESE TARANIS ILWS Prague, 11-12 June, 2008
Others Operational coordination between DEMETER and C/NOFS STEREO Space Weather beacon Ground Station operational since Feb. Operational coordination between DEMETER and C/NOFS Radiation monitors onboard SAC-C, SAC-D, JASON 2 ILWS Prague, 11-12 June, 2008
ILWS Prague, 11-12 June, 2008
More than 20 spacecraft based on the same bus and systems MYRIADE SERIES More than 20 spacecraft based on the same bus and systems in flight or in preparation Bus waiting row 60x60x50 cm bus S-Band TTC (Kiruna/Toulouse) ILWS Prague, 11-12 June, 2008
MYRIADE CAPACITY Orbit inclination > 20° Altitude 600km< >1000km DNEPR launcher as the reference Geocentric, inertial, solar or along the velocity vector pointing Pointing precision of 0.1 ° (actuation), 5.10-3° (knowledge) Attitude control system in nominal mode uses a stellar sensor, four reaction wheels and three magnetic torquers up to 80 kg mass allocation to the P/L (when no propulsion/TM-X) Power available to the P/L > 60w (highly orbit dependant) Mass memory 16 Gbits S-Band 400 kb/s as baseline ILWS Prague, 11-12 June, 2008
MYRIADE OPTIONS propulsion DV ~80 m/s (DEMETER, TARANIS…) X-Band telemetry (>a few Gbits/day) TM rate 16-50 Mb/s depending on the ground station G/T additional sun pointing device (PICARD, LYOT/SMESE) quick deorbit kit under study ILWS Prague, 11-12 June, 2008
A few examples of the MYRIADE versatility DEMETER, TARANIS waves and particle instruments PARASOL Lidar for atmospheric science PICARD, SMESE Solar observation MICROSCOPE Fundamental physics ARGOS Localization ESSAIM, SPIRALE, ELINT Defense … commercial availability of the bus (ASTRIUM, AAS) DNEPR launch ARIANE 5 launch ILWS Prague, 11-12 June, 2008
FURTHER INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Earth Observation as a paradigm? a unique object, many possible instruments curiosity driven science in competitition with monitoring science shift from mammoth s/c (ENVISAT…) to series of small specialized satellites A Solar Train? ILWS Prague, 11-12 June, 2008