Most myths share common characteristics.
Natural phenomena are explained in most myths. Volcanoes and earthquakes are a result of the fire-breathing giants, who were buried under the earth by the gods, heaving and struggling to free themselves.
Many gods are used in each myth. Since we have many natural phenomena to explain, a huge cast of characters is required. Zeus controlled the skies, Hades controlled the Underworld, and Poseidon ruled the seas.
Gods and heroes are superhuman beings. Hercules performed twelve impossible labors. Jason won the Golden Fleece by performing stupendous tasks.
Human emotions were part of the gods’ character. Cupid shot his arrows to make people fall in love. Aphrodite wanted all to feel the pangs of love.
Magic is a major part of myths. Hermes had winged feet and a winged cap. Pegasus could fly.
Gods sometimes use disguises. Icarus and Daedalus disguised themselves as birds to fly off an island. Aphrodite became a huntress.
Good is rewarded and evil is punished. Prometheus was punished for stealing fire from the gods and giving it to men.
Violence is evident in myths. Theseus kills the Minotaur in the labyrinth.
Remember the common characteristics of myths with this mnemonic.
Mnemonic Device (Memory Device) People = Phenomenon May = Many gods Say = Superhuman Even = Emotions My = Magic Dog = Disguises Gags = Good rewarded/evil punished Violently = Violence