Pedagogy 2.1 Steven Huffman
Pedagogy 2.1 Use your cooperative learning lesson plan to describe how you can design instruction based on elements key to effective teaching. Describe your lesson. Then explain how you used cooperative learning in the lesson. Remember to talk about PIGS Face. 2.1 Design instruction based on elements key to effective teaching.
Cooperative Learning Lesson Plan Objectives: TSW analyze the myth of Heracles TSW create a mosaic of an assigned labour of Heracles TSW summarize the story of Heracles in a one page written assignment. I would start off class by getting the students to do an admit slip asking what they know about the story of Heracles. Then I would go on to show the opening scene to Disney's Hercules. Then I would get their reactions about the video.
Lesson Plan Continued After we went over everyone's opinions about the videos, I would split the class into groups of 2-3 students. I would then give each group a folded piece of paper that had a Labour of Hercules on it and the details of the labour. Then we would go over half of the powerpoint that I had arranged to give background about the story of Heracles. The powerpoint would cover: what a mosaic was, why they were used and what their significance was, and we would go over what the 12 labours of Heracles that he had to go through in order to become a God on Mount Olympus were. I would answer any questions the students had and let them start brainstorming their ideas for the mosaics. The next day I would arrange for the art teacher, Jake, to come in and assist with the project. I lay the materials that they needed out on the front desk: construction paper of multiple colors (their base piece of paper would be brown to mimic that of an ancient vase), glue sticks, glue, and scissors. Each group would send a person up to get the materials they need for their mosaic. The students would have the rest of the class to work on and make their mosaics. 15 minutes before class ended, Jake and I would have the students hang the labours up in order to see if they remember the order from the previous day’s lesson and have them explain their mosaics and the labour that it depicted. Jake and I would assess the depictions of the labours for summarization in the mosaic.
Lesson Plan Continued Day 1 Closure: I would assign the students homework to brainstorm and bring in at least two ideas for their mosaics that they will have the entire class to work on the next day. Day 2 Closure: Jake and I would have the students hang the mosaics up in order of how they happened and to see if they remembered the order from the powerpoint the previous day. Then each group would explain what the labour was in their mosaic. Then Jake and I would tell them the correct order if they did not put them in order the first time and if they did get them in order, We would hand out candy and let them watch a representation of the Labours of Hercules the next day of class.
Lesson Plan Continued Homework: Day 1: To study their Labour and come in with two ideas for the mosaic. Day 2: Write a one page summary about the story of Heracles due on Friday. Assessment: (How will you assess if they have mastered your objectives? Be specific.) I would assess the students on if the students depicted the key event of the labour they were assigned. We would assess if they could work effectively in groups by using anonymous group evaluations. We would visually assess if they knew the order of the labours and could work with the rest of the class to come to an agreement on the order of the labours. Jake and I would assess the depictions of the labours for summarization of the labour in the mosaic. Write a one page summary about the story of Herakles due on Friday.
Lesson Plan Continued Pre-assessment: (How will you know if your students already know what you are teaching?) Admit slip: asking what they know about the Labours of Heracles and the story of Hercules. Cooperative Learning positive interdependence- Each member has an input in how the mosaic looks. individual accountability- Each student in the group is able to explain what the mosaic is depicting and how they decided on what they did. group processing- Get the students to do an anonymous group evaluation sheet. Also we would have a discussion of how everything worked after the assignment. social skills- effective listening and group discussions, coming up with a concept for the mosaic that all the members are happy with. face-to-face interaction- working with the other members in the group and then the rest of the class to put the mosaics in order. They were able to sit together and make use of the materials together.