Some France-Japan Cooperation Programs in Science and Technology Pierre Dauchez Attaché for Science and Technology (IT) Embassy of France (On leave from INSA Toulouse. Professor of Robotics)
Remarks Many possibilities Impossible to name them all Focus on some relevant examples
Outline 1. Research programs 2. Scholarships 3. Comments
For cooperations between research teams 1. Research programs For cooperations between research teams * PHC Sakura * French National Research Funding Agency (ANR) / Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) * ICT-Asia
PHC Sakura (2003) French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (MAEE) and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Young researchers, all disciplines Very selective: in 2008, 128 proposals, 16 selected About 6000 Euros per year + 1M Yens 2-year fundings
ANR / JST Agreement signed in February 2008 to co-fund research projects in ICT (it exists 11 such international programs with ANR) The keywords of the 2009 call for proposals (deadline April 2) were: ICST, Nanotechnology and Robotics
ICT - Asia (2004) 1 or more French teams, 2 or more Asian teams, from at least 2 different countries Funded by MAEE 2008 call for proposals: 22 proposals. 5 selected. 4 include a Japanese team Topics of the happy 4: service robotics, communication between mobile agents (robots), telecommunications in unfamiliar spaces, spatial decision support systems for urban emergencies
2. Scholarships (Embassy of France) (Embassy of Japan)
Bourses du Gouvernement Français BGF Bourses du Gouvernement Français For Japanese students Doctoral studies: 767 Euros / month Post-doc: 1,374 Euros / month
3. Comments LIA is a powerful tool This does not exclude seeking for other collaborations, in particular including other Asian countries Student exchanges is a good way to investigate new topics
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