Patient and Public Participation


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Presentation transcript:

Patient and Public Participation Annual Report and next steps Jane Lodge, Head of Engagement

Patient and Public Participation Strategy 2014-2016 Underpins the CCG’s commitment to putting patients at the heart of everything we do Ensures that the CCG’s legal duties regarding patient and public participation are met - Individual participation Public involvement and consultation Is modelled on the NHS England guide to participation: “Transforming Participation in Health and Care”

Participation Annual Report August 2015- July 2016 Individual Participation Self management – Difficult to assess as this is such a wide and far reaching area Key feature of work going forward, so we do need to develop systematic ways of assessing how we support people to self manage Commissioning that includes/supports self management: Wellbeing recommission- includes peer support/networks Expert Patient Programme and “Diabetes Care for You”

Individual Participation Accessible and good quality information:

Social Prescribing Pilot across 16 practices as part of the Prime Minister’s Challenge Fund scheme Now being extended across the city’s GP practices in a flexible model across clusters Linking with social prescribing after discharge from hospital (Link Back scheme) Development of a social prescribing network across The city

Public Participation

Hearing from patients, carers & public Governing Body open meetings CCG “events” – the big topics Through the Community and Voluntary Sector & Healthwatch Through work with neighbourhood and community groups e.g. Whitehawk Joint work with statutory sector colleagues

Work with diverse groups The CCG has contracts to reach and hear from some of our most marginalised communities, groups and individuals, through trusted intermediaries in the Voluntary Sector Disabled people Deaf people BAME people People with Learning Disabilities Young Men (aged 16-25) Carers and Parent Carers Gypsies and Travellers Old People (75+, focus on those isolated, senior housing, residential homes) LGBT people People living with mental health conditions Hospital care Smoking Complaints and feedback NHS health checks Cancer awareness Mental wellbeing GP practices Record sharing “free topics”

PPGs Support for PPGs from Community Works and Community Development providers Increase in PPGs across the city (nearly all GP practices have one now) PPGs link into their communities – e.g. attending or running events Increase in numbers of PPGs applying for small grants (15 in 2015/16) PPG toolkit produced Link to CCG via the PPG Network

PPG Network Membership increased Network shares good practice AND discusses strategic issues Network begun to “host” events - first one December 2016

Health Champions Informal networks, extending reach PPG members Resident associations befrienders Fire & rescue service volunteers Social media champions voluntary sector representatives Community/bi lin gual Navigators Healthy living pharmacy workers Informal networks, extending reach

Engagement in Commissioning Our core work, and directly relates to the legal duties to involve patients and carers in commissioning processes and decisions.

Engagement in commissioning Some highlights: Cancer peer research work: 8 peer researchers gathered feedback from cancer patients, survivors and their carers on support needed after active treatment. Many of these recommendations are now being taken forward. Work with young people and parent carers fed into the Children and Young People’s Transformation Plan Development of “person centred outcome measures”, now in use in our cluster based GP services for patients with complex needs. Engagement work carried out by the voluntary sector to gather views of patients whose GP practices were under threat of closure (at that time) – including the Homeless practice.

Priorities for next year…. Putting clear measures of success against the revised PPP strategy: - quantitative measures; qualitative measures - ways of determining impact of engagement Developing a robust recording system of all CCG engagement activity Carrying out appropriate engagement for wider area workstreams – e.g. STP, Stroke re configuration Extending our reach across the city Working in partnership with the City Council, Community and Voluntary Sector and Healthwatch Producing regular “You Said, We Did” information

Your thoughts….. What do we need to improve in our participation work going forward? What do you see as the CCG’s key priorities? How do you think we can best MEASURE success? How can we best DEMONSTRATE success?