La Clochette 1. 2 MINUTES: Discuss with a partner (don’t write anything!) 2. Once you are finished discussing all 3 bullets, copy the French and write the English translation below it. Key phrases from class are underlined, words in yellow you may have to guess (use context). Quand il était petit, Tyler voulait un chien. Il voulait un grand chien comme Clifford le grand chien rouge. Quand il voyait un chien, Tyler se sentait très heureux. Il disait toujours, “Maman, je veux un chien! Papa, je veux un chien!” La mère de Tyler allait lui acheter un chien, mais un jour, le père de Tyler a dit, “Je déteste les chiens!” et il est parti sans même dire au revoir.
CIRCLE ANY SPOTS WHERE YOUR TRANSLATION IS DIFFERENT FROM MINE and go back and re-read that part in French When he was little, Tyler wanted a dog. He wanted a big dog like Clifford the big red dog. When he would see a dog, Tyler felt/would feel very happy. He was always saying (would always say), “Mom, I want a dog! Dad, I want a dog!” Tyler’s mom was going to buy him a dog, but one day, Tyler’s dad said, “I hate dogs!” and he left without even saying good bye.