IT Social Outsourcing Outsourcing IT Services to Micro-Enterprises in Poor Communities in India Richard Heeks & Shoba Arun Centre for Development Informatics University of Manchester, UK Centre for Development Informatics
Research Overview Research Aim: What is the development impact of IT social outsourcing? Research Undertaken: Impact assessment using livelihoods framework of IT social outsourcing project in Kerala, India
Research Findings Academic Finding: IT social outsourcing develops human, financial, physical, social and political capital for below-poverty-line women Practical Recommendation: Expand IT social outsourcing programmes of government and business organisations Human Capital: Building IT and Entrepreneurial Skills Political Capital: Empowerment; Confidence; Status; Gender Relations? Financial Capital: US$1 per Day; Welfare Expenditure Physical Capital: One PC per Member Social Capital: Government Officials; Enterprise Group Sustainability? Longevity Member Replacement (Limited) Diversification Assets Remain
Further Information Social outsourcing as a development tool, Journal of International Development, forthcoming