Practice Questions Di phosphate: 2 phosphate groups
What do living things do to energy? They transform it Di phosphate: 2 phosphate groups
Why do living transform energy? To make ATP A form of energy the cell can use Di phosphate: 2 phosphate groups
How is ATP used? To grow To make protein To do A.T. To repair injury Di phosphate: 2 phosphate groups To do A.T. To repair injury
What type of energy is circled below? Chemical energy Di phosphate: 2 phosphate groups
What type of energy is circled below? ATP energy Di phosphate: 2 phosphate groups
What type of energy is circled below? Light energy Di phosphate: 2 phosphate groups
What process is circled below? Cellular respiration A.K.A. burning glucose Di phosphate: 2 phosphate groups
Where in a cell does cellular respiration occur? Mitochondria Di phosphate: 2 phosphate groups
What process is circled below? Photosynthesis Di phosphate: 2 phosphate groups
Where in a cell does photosynthesis occur? Chloroplast Di phosphate: 2 phosphate groups
Which part of this diagram is performed by heterotrophs? Cellular respiration ONLY Di phosphate: 2 phosphate groups
Which part of this diagram is performed by autotrophs? All of it (photosynthesis AND cellular respiration) Di phosphate: 2 phosphate groups
Which process is performed by both autotrophs and heterotrophs? Cellular respiration Di phosphate: 2 phosphate groups
A form of energy cells can use Explain WHY both autotrophs and heterotrophs perform cellular respiration. To get ATP A form of energy cells can use Di phosphate: 2 phosphate groups
Animal Plant Fungus Green Protist Non-green Protist Cyanobacteria Identify the type of organism shown below, and state whether it is an autotroph or a heterotroph. Animal Plant Fungus Green Protist Non-green Protist Cyanobacteria Heterotroph Di phosphate: 2 phosphate groups
Animal Plant Fungus Green Protist Non-green Protist Cyanobacteria Identify the type of organism shown below, and state whether it is an autotroph or a heterotroph. Animal Plant Fungus Green Protist Non-green Protist Cyanobacteria Autotroph Di phosphate: 2 phosphate groups
Animal Plant Fungus Green Protist Non-green Protist Cyanobacteria Identify the type of organism shown below, and state whether it is an autotroph or a heterotroph. Animal Plant Fungus Green Protist Non-green Protist Cyanobacteria Autotroph Di phosphate: 2 phosphate groups
Animal Plant Fungus Green Protist Non-green Protist Cyanobacteria Identify the type of organism shown below, and state whether it is an autotroph or a heterotroph. Animal Plant Fungus Green Protist Non-green Protist Cyanobacteria Heterotroph Di phosphate: 2 phosphate groups
Animal Plant Fungus Green Protist Non-green Protist Cyanobacteria Identify the type of organism shown below, and state whether it is an autotroph or a heterotroph. Animal Plant Fungus Green Protist Non-green Protist Cyanobacteria Autotroph Di phosphate: 2 phosphate groups
Animal Plant Fungus Green Protist Non-green Protist Cyanobacteria Identify the type of organism shown below, and state whether it is an autotroph or a heterotroph. Animal Plant Fungus Green Protist Non-green Protist Cyanobacteria Heterotroph Di phosphate: 2 phosphate groups
Animal Plant Fungus Green Protist Non-green Protist Cyanobacteria Identify the type of organism shown below, and state whether it is an autotroph or a heterotroph. Animal Plant Fungus Green Protist Non-green Protist Cyanobacteria Autotroph Di phosphate: 2 phosphate groups
Explain how cyanobacteria is different from other autotrophs. Prokaryotic autotroph Di phosphate: 2 phosphate groups
Which molecule is larger? Glucose Di phosphate: 2 phosphate groups
Which molecule contains more energy? Glucose Di phosphate: 2 phosphate groups
Which molecule is used by cells to do work? ATP Di phosphate: 2 phosphate groups
Where is energy stored in ATP? In the bonds between phosphate groups Di phosphate: 2 phosphate groups
How is energy released from this molecule? When the bond between phosphate groups breaks Di phosphate: 2 phosphate groups
This cell contains glucose This cell contains glucose. If this is an autotrophic cell, where did the glucose come from? photosynthesis
If this is a heterotrophic cell, where did the glucose come from? Eating
Identify the energy-requiring process circled below. Active transport
Explain why the cell cannot use glucose to power AT. Too big Too much energy
Identify the process circled below. Cellular respiration
Explain why this process occurs. To transform glucose into ATP
Predict where the ATP will go next. To the protein pump
Explain how energy is released from the ATP. The bond between phosphate groups breaks
Explain how the released energy is used. Used by the protein pump to do A.T.
Explain how the release of energy changes ATP. Turns it into ADP
Predict where ADP will go next. Back to the mitochondria To get re-charged
Explain how ADP gets re-charged. Absorbs energy Adds a phosphate group Becomes ATP
Since ADP can be re-charged, the process can be described as a .v cycle
ADP can be re-charged.
The process that re-charges ADP is cellular respiration.