DORSET Water System Information Meeting Dorset fire district No. 1 DORSET Water System Information Meeting November 7, 2016
WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION MEETING: DORSET FIRE DISTRICT #1 DORSET WATER SYSTEM Water Source Kellogg Springs feed the reservoir series of covered spring houses Reservoir 225,000 gallon covered storage, just downhill of springs water is chlorinated by a mechanical system (no power at reservoir) distribution system is gravity fed by 2200 ft. of 8” pipe Distribution System 12,000 ft. of mains – 6” and 4” iron pipe (responsibility of the district) supply lines from mains to buildings (responsibility of property owners) 201 service connections 90% residential, 10% commercial Nov 7, 2016 WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION MEETING: DORSET FIRE DISTRICT #1
WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION MEETING: DORSET FIRE DISTRICT #1 WATER CO. MANAGEMENT Part-Time Water Operator: Jim McGinnis checks reservoir levels maintains chlorinator at reservoir checks & fixes animal entry points into reservoir and spring houses samples water diagnoses leaks in system schedules and oversees maintenance contractors interfaces with state regulators Prudential Committee 5-person volunteer board sets budget and water fees oversee water operator and help with customer interactions also responsible for Dorset Fire Dept. Nov 7, 2016 WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION MEETING: DORSET FIRE DISTRICT #1
WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION MEETING: DORSET FIRE DISTRICT #1 WATER CO. BUDGET REVENUES Water Fees Maintenance Fees TOTAL $31,150 $20,000 $51,225 EXPENSES Chemicals Clerical Supplies Clerk Fees Consumer Report Contingency Dues & Publications Fuel Insurance Maintenance Operating Permit Postage & Printing Professional Fees Water Operator Testing TOTAL $550 $100 $5,400 $420 $5,000 $260 $500 $4,500 $12,000 $2,200 $450 $9,645 $9,600 $600 $51,225 Nov 7, 2016 WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION MEETING: DORSET FIRE DISTRICT #1
WATER SYSTEM CHALLENGES Supplemental water supply is needed Frequency and severity of leaks continues to rise Hydrants can’t be used for fighting fires Nov 7, 2016 WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION MEETING: DORSET FIRE DISTRICT #1
WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION MEETING: DORSET FIRE DISTRICT #1 WATER SHORTAGES 2016 water restrictions from Sept. 18 to Nov. 3 water emergency and boil order from Oct. 12 to Nov. 3 springs production dropped to 80 GPM reservoir level was down over 4 ft. 2015 water restrictions from Aug. 22 to Oct. 16 springs production dropped to 85 GPM reservoir was nearly empty (down 11 ft.) Nov 7, 2016 WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION MEETING: DORSET FIRE DISTRICT #1
WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION MEETING: DORSET FIRE DISTRICT #1 WATER LEAKS Service Lines responsibility of property owners many service lines have reached end of lifespan (galvanized) location of most service lines is unknown service lines were added in ad hoc manner without any engineering Mains and Valves responsibility of the district mains are in surprising good shape (pig iron) problems exist at curb stops and junctions Nov 7, 2016 WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION MEETING: DORSET FIRE DISTRICT #1
WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION MEETING: DORSET FIRE DISTRICT #1 FIRE HYDRANTS Hydrant Usage Prohibited Vermont banned the use of our hydrants for fighting fires in 2003 mains are undersized and water storage is inadequate Poor ISO Rating our fire department is rated a 9 (1 is best, 10 is no protection) 40% of rating based on water supply (50% on fire department, 10% on dispatch) insurance companies rely on fire suppression rating to set premiums insurance companies are starting to discover low ISO rating ISO testing of fire department is a goal Nov 7, 2016 WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION MEETING: DORSET FIRE DISTRICT #1
WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION MEETING: DORSET FIRE DISTRICT #1 2016 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Water operator has been aggressively fixing leaks Received $20,000 matching grant from state of Vermont Engineering study underway and focus on supplemental supply Billing and bookkeeping contract with town of Dorset Improved communications with customers (website & email) Hired CPA firm to perform an annual audit Nov 7, 2016 WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION MEETING: DORSET FIRE DISTRICT #1
WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION MEETING: DORSET FIRE DISTRICT #1 DETAILS OF GRANT Asset inventory and condition assessment Life cycle cost analysis Risk assessment Level of service agreement Mapping the system Funding strategies Risk and life cycle cost reduction measures Nov 7, 2016 WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION MEETING: DORSET FIRE DISTRICT #1
WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION MEETING: DORSET FIRE DISTRICT #1 WATER STUDY Engineering study underway (Kepler Consulting) preliminary investigation of supplemental water site completed develop funding strategies map and inventory the system infrastructure update operating procedures of district Leading sites for well location Cutler Park Prentiss Pond private parcels Nov 7, 2016 WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION MEETING: DORSET FIRE DISTRICT #1
WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION MEETING: DORSET FIRE DISTRICT #1 POTENTIAL WELL SITES Prentiss Pond land owned by district Nature Conservatory restrictive covenants challenging and expensive permitting anticipated near mains on Church St. Cutler Park land owned by town potential for high-yielding gravel well near mains on Rt. 30 Private parcels two high-yield sites identified prudential committee needs to talk with land owners before going public Nov 7, 2016 WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION MEETING: DORSET FIRE DISTRICT #1
WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION MEETING: DORSET FIRE DISTRICT #1 NEXT STEPS Finalize plans for supplemental water supply Finish the tasks listed in the approved grant application Create an infrastructure master plan Develop a new water budget Determine staffing and consulting needs Nov 7, 2016 WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION MEETING: DORSET FIRE DISTRICT #1
WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION MEETING: DORSET FIRE DISTRICT #1 CURRENT WATER BUDGET Current budget is seriously underfunded water fees much lower than comparable systems in VT (average $150/year) current maintenance fee inadequate to cover current level of fixes Current budget has no money for… construction of supplemental water supply infrastructure master planning infrastructure improvements staffing and consulting needs Nov 7, 2016 WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION MEETING: DORSET FIRE DISTRICT #1
WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION MEETING: DORSET FIRE DISTRICT #1 WHAT CAN YOU DO? Get informed and get involved attend monthly district meetings (2nd Monday of the month, 7pm) attend our annual meeting (May 8, 2016) register for water updates on our website: Think about the importance of a reliable water system in Dorset critical to our economy and property values critical for our health and welfare very important for fire protection significant effect on insurance premiums Nov 7, 2016 WATER SYSTEM INFORMATION MEETING: DORSET FIRE DISTRICT #1