CEOS Water Strategy - Progress report to SIT 31 - Committee on Earth Observation Satellites CEOS Water Strategy - Progress report to SIT 31 - Water Strategic Implementation Study Team SIT-31 Agenda Item 7 CEOS Sstrategic Implementation Team ESA/ESRIN, Frascati, Italy 19th-20th April 2016
Contents 1. WSIST Water Constellation FS 2. Progress 3. Way forward
CEOS Plenary Decision 29th CEOS Plenary, Nov 5-6, Kyoto decided; CEOS Plenary endorsed the CEOS Response to the GEOSS Water Strategy Recommendations (CEOS Water Strategy) and a one year extension of the WSIST to implement the CEOS actions including the Water Constellation Feasibility. CEOS Water Strategy
Proposed Major CEOS actions CEOS takes the lead in addressing “Advancing satellite data acquisition” C1: FS on Water Constellation C2. C3 : participation in GEO water vapor and cloud activity C4, C5: participation in the development of precipitation white paper C6: coordinate LST missions toward improved ET estimation C7, C8, C9 : CEOS agency activities already cover these. C10: FS on hyperspectral satellite mission on water quality measurement CEOS supports external activities, including: E5: define soil texture map requirements and communicate them to IGWCO E8: participate in GEO activities to define a global framework for surface water storage monitoring
Water Constellation FS GEO Water Strategy Recommendation C1: The feasibility of developing a Water-Train satellite constellation should be assessed. This suite of satellites would be modelled after the A-Train, providing a space segment of an observation system that would capture all fluxes and stores of the water cycle using a diverse suite of platforms and instruments. This system would operate as a Virtual Water Cycle Constellation. The A-Train
Water Constellation FS Progress FS Work Plan was set and regular monthly telecons have been held. Phase 1 (Jan to Mar 2016) was completed. User requirements were reviewed and the GEO user requirements were found most comprehensive. FS skeletons (requirements, capabilities, relevant CEOS missions, issues, synergies ) with 6 high priority parameters (precipitation, soil moisture, evapotranspiration, groundwater, river discharge and water storage) were studied. A list of experts including WSIST members and invited FS participants was developed. A synergy case of precipitation and soil moisture is being studied. Phase 2 (April – June 2016) for gap analysis and gap filling measure study is starting. Phase 1 (Jan-Mar) Requirements study Phase 2 (Apr-June) Individual parameter study Phase 3(July-Sep) Synergistical obs study
FS Skelton FS Skelton for 6 parameters has been developed. Mission coordination - Gap analysis Requirements Existing/ planned capabilities Identified CEOS missions Synergy with other parameters
User Requirements User requirements of GEO/IGWCO, WMO, GCOS were studied. GEO/IGWCO requirements were found useful to start with. Example of User requirements for precipitation Variable Horizontal Resolution Time Vertical Resolutio n Accuracy Latency Precipitation L:1km R:10km G:50 to 100 km to 500 km Also stated variably as 5 km to 50 km etc. L: 1hr R:3hr G:1d Also stated variably as:0.08hr to 0.5hr; 1h to 12h, or 1d to 3d N/A 0.1mm/5% Also stated variably as: 0.1mm/h to 1mm/hr or 0.5mm/hr to 3mm/hr; 0.5mm/d to 5mm/d; 2mm/d to 10mm/d 0.1h to 6hr 3hr-24hr;1d- 2d;7d to 30d or RT and DT(App.Dep endent) Source: GEO task US-09-01a: Critical Earth Observation Priorities
Existing/planned capabilities Existing/planned capabilities were reviewed. Current capabilities of precipitation observation Product / Source Horizontal Resolution / Coverage Time Resolution Vertical Accuracy Latency CMORPH / NOAA CPC 8 km / 50°S-N 0.5 hr N/A 18 hr GSMaP-NRT / JAXA 0.10° lat/lon / 60°S-N 1 hr NA 0.2mm/hr (GPM/DPR) 4 hr IMERG / NASA 30 min 4 hr “early”; 12 hr “late” NRL Real Time / NRL Monterey 0.25° lat/lon / 40°S-N 3 hr PERSIANN-CCS / UC-Irvine 0.04° lat/lon / 60°S-N
Water Cycle observation status: requirements vs existing/future capabilities Horizontal Resolution Time Vertical Accuracy Latency L:1km R:10km G:50 to 100 km L: 1hr R:3hr G:1d N/A 0.1mm/5% 0.1h to 6hr Green: satisfied yellow: marginal red: not satisfied Precipitation Horizontal Resolution Time Vertical Accuracy Latency L:0.1km to 1km R: 10km G:50 to 100km L/R: 1 to 6 hrs R:1d to 3d G:1 to 30d to 3 months 10cm Res. to 1m depth; 0.02m3/m3 NRT or 0.5d to 1d Soil Moisture Horizontal Resolution Time Vertical Accuracy Latency L:1km R:10km G:50 to 100km L:1 to 6 hrs R:1d G:1d to 1m Surface (E), and LS veg cover or canopy ht for ET 0.1mm or 5%. RT Evaporation/ ET Horizontal Resolution Time Vertical Accuracy Latency L/R:1km-10km R/G:50km to 100km 1m to 3m to 1year 0.1km;Variable--depth 5%-7%(Depth to W-table) 1m to 3m Also stated as TBD- Ground Water Run-off Horizontal Resolution Time Vertical Accuracy Latency L:1km-10km G: 50 km-200km L:1 to 6 hrs R/G:1d-10d, N/A 5%10%;Units:m**3/sec. Hourly to daily (NRT) Horizontal Resolution Time Vertical Accuracy Latency L/R:1km-40km G:50km to 100km 1wk to 1m Or 30d to 90d N/A 10cm-20cm(level);Or 5%. L/R: 1w-1m R/G: 30d to 90d Surface Water Storage
Relevant CEOS Missions Relevant CEOS missions for the 6 parameters were identified. Precipitation DMSP F15 SSMI [limited]; DMSP F16, F17, F18, and F19 SSMIS; GCOM-W1 AMSR2; GPM GMI) and microwave sounders (NOAA-18, NOAA-19, Metop-A, and Metop-B MHS; Megha-Tropiques SAPHIR; SNPP ATMS) Soil moisture SMOS, SMAP, AMSR-E/2, Windsat, FY-3/MWRI, GPM/GMI Active – Aquarius, RADARSAT, ASCAT, SAOCOM, Sentinel-1A Evapotranspiration - GEO, MODIS, LANDSAT, VIIRS? Ground water - GRACE-II River discharge – SWOT Water storage TBD
Mission Coordination CEOS mission coordination is studied based upon gap analysis of requirements/capabilities. Precipitation - GCOM-W/AMSR2 follow-on mission - GPM follow-on mission - Access to Chnese and Russian microwave radiometer data Soil moisture - SMAP and SMOS follow-on missions - AMSR2 follow-on - WCOM of Chinese Academy of Science? Evapotranspiration - No issue and no coordination is required. Ground water - No issue River discharge - No issue Water storage - Inclusion of snow/ice in the surface storage is an issue to be addressed.
Expert list An expert list has been developed. Voluntary contribution to the FS is very much apprecaited. No, Parameter Expert 1 Precipitation Ralph Ferraro(NOAA) Bob Kuligowski(NOAA) 2 Evaporation/ET Selma Cherchali(CNES) Xiwu Zhan(NOAA) 3 Soil moisture 4 Run off John W. Jones (USGS) 5 Ground water TBD 6 Surface water 7 Overall Toshio Koike Richard Lawford
Synergistical Observation Study Synergistical observaiton study among the 6 parameters is being considered. As initial step, a case study of precitipitationand soil moisutre is being made. In additon to individual requirements, synergistical observation requirements for precipitation and soil moisture will be considered.
Integrated Water Observation System Source: 4th telecon by Prof. Koike
No major issues, but a lot to be done Scoping and method of FS are to be established. Need agreement on requirement source to be used. Synergistical observation requirements among 6 parameters need to be defined. Interaction with similar parallel activities, such as post-GPM study,Decadal Survey Mission study and GEO Initiatives Engineering analysis of technical feasibilities will be needed.
Outcomes of the side meeting The side meeting of April 18 was very useful with guidance and feedbacks from CEOS members and participants; For requirements, we need to check consistency with GCOS ECV reqirements and may need to reflect GEO's new SBA requirement consolidation process. We also need to inform GEO of our FS activities. For experts, we welcome any voluntary experts, such as those of run-off and surface water storage. We also need ground water expert(s). For cost-benefit analysis, we may not need to conduct detailed analysis until we identify practical candidate missions. Rather we need strong case to justify the FS. For requirement, we need to consider political requirements, such as COP21 and SDGs. In this context, we need to make linkage with the GEMI water observation system initiative for SDGs within UN (FAO and UNEP)
SIT is Requested to acknowledge steady progress of the FS and provide any guidance and advice on the FS approach. encourage water experts of CEOS agencies to support the FS encourage engineering anlysis support of CEOS agencies for the FS later.
Way Forward Gap analysis for the 6 parameters and synthesis study to integrate the gap analysis findings and propose CEOS mission scenario will be made. Phase 2 (April 2016 to June 2016) Gap analysis by water experts for each parameter Propose gap filling measures Phase 3 (July to Sep 2016) Synthesize proposed gap filling for six priority parameters Propose integrated gap filling and mission scenario for disaster-energy- agriculture annex
Water Constellation Study memebers CEOS Water Strategy Implementation Study Team (WSIST) members Bojan Bojkov (WGCV/ESA) Selma Cherchali (CNES) Jared Entin (NASA) Ralph Ferraro (NOAA) Bob Kuligowski (NOAA) Kerry Sawyer (NOAA) John W. Jones (USGS) Marie-Josee.Bourassa (CEO/CSA) Arnold Dekker (CSIRO) Jono Ross (DCEO/GA) Chu Ishida (JAXA) Water Constellation FS experts Rick Lawford Toshio Koike (U.Tokyo) Xiwu Zhan(NOAA) Great contribtuion of the WSIST members and FS experts are very much appreciated !