Pure Land Buddhism A Test!
Pure Land Buddhism test from A3 handout sheets 1. Which school of Buddhism stresses faith in Amida? 2. What is the religious goal of Pure Land Buddhists? 3. The higher practices of Amitabha worship first appeared in which sutra? 4. What must a Pure Land Buddhist not violate if he is reciting the Buddha’s name?
Pure Land Buddhism test from A3 handout sheets 5. Explain the concept of ‘Tariki’ for a Pure Land Buddhist 6. Why do Pure Land Buddhists claim their methods are ‘especially valuable’? 7. In traditional Mahayana Buddhism, it is necessary to go through “52 levels of Bodhisattva practice” to attain Buddhahood. How is this different for a Pure Land Buddhist?
Pure Land Buddhism test from A3 handout sheets 8. Pure Land Buddhists talk of a ‘horizontal struggle rather than a vertical struggle’ to attain enlightenment. How does the analogy of the worm and the bamboo illustrate this? 9. Religious painting can be an important aspect of different Pure Land schools. These works are known as ‘Mandalas’. Name ONE of the 3 most celebrated of these for Jodo Pure Land Buddhists
Pure Land Buddhism test from A3 handout sheets 10. (i) In what century were the prototypes for these mandalas established? (ii) In what country were the prototypes for these mandalas established? (iii) During which dynasty were they established? 11. Describe 2 features of what you might expect to find on these traditional mandalas
Pure Land Buddhism test from A3 handout sheets 12. Hui – Yuan established the practice of devotion to Amitabha Buddha as an independent activity, not optional. What was his school of Buddhism called? 13. Who was his disciple? 14. In 845 C.E. Pure Land Buddhism survived what better than other Buddhist schools?
Pure Land Buddhism test from A3 handout sheets 15. Why is Pure Land Buddhism often referred to as ‘the easy path’? 16. Who advocated the teachings of Pure Land in India? 17. During the Tang period, ‘Pure Land Cloisters’ were established within larger monasteries - Why
Pure Land Buddhism test from A3 handout sheets 18. Explain why there can be ‘countless Pure Lands’ 19. In what way can even the ‘Pure Lands’ be viewed as anicca? 20. There are two kinds of Pure Land according to the texts. Briefly explain each.