Pioneer is a non-profit public service of Pioneer is a non-profit public service of Utah public libraries, public schools and college and university libraries.
Introduction Teachers, students, and citizens in Utah have a need for library information resources. Schools and public libraries provide many information resources to meet these needs. Unfortunately, it is difficult for schools and public libraries to provide all of the needed information resources.
Introduction (Cont’d) While no library may be able to provide all of the information resources needed, Pioneer, Utah’s Online Library can provide a substantial number of additional information resources to help meet the need of teachers, students, and Utah citizens either at school, public libraries, or home.
What is Pioneer? Library information resources, including: Encyclopedias *World Book and Funk & Wagnalls (EBSCO) World Alamanac SIRS Newspapers Deseret News and SL Tribune Archives EBSCO’s newspaper sources and SIRS *World Book is only available to K-12 students & teachers at school and K-12 teachers at home.
What is Pioneer? (Cont’d) Magazines EBSCO, SIRS, and World Book Journals EBSCO and SIRS Biographies Wilson Biographies, EBSCO, and SIRS
What is Pioneer? (Cont’d) Government Documents SIRS Maps, Charts, and Graphs World Book, EBSCO, and SIRS Audio/Video clips, and Bubble Views (360-degree virtual tours) World Book
Who Uses Pioneer? Teachers Students Parents/Utah citizens for lesson plans for every subject; activities, virtual tours, and quizzes; professional development and in-service; school projects. Students for research papers, reports, and assignments. Parents/Utah citizens for finding information on health, social, business, literature, music, and other topics.
Where Can I Find Pioneer? K-12 Public Schools Public Libraries Colleges & Universities Home If you are a Utah educator, you have access with your UEN login username and password. You can register or access student usernames and passwords at
Why should I use Pioneer? Access to rich content resources that grow daily (e.g., full-text articles to print) Convenience - school, public library, home No cost Access 24/7 Credible resources No inappropriate web sites
Pioneer Library Resources Go to and click on “Resources” to access... Video Clips Tutorial and Course offerings Brochure and Handout A letter for students about home access This PowerPoint presentation Pioneer Logo Order form to request more Pioneer materials
Pioneer Contact Information E-mail: resources Phone: 1(800) 866-5852 Fax: 1(801) 585-6105