TracDat V5 End User Training Presenters Dr. Frank Lee, Professor Dept. of Math and Computer Science College of Natural and Applied Sciences Deborah Leon Guerrero Office of Institutional Effectiveness Friday, April 21, 2017 Information Literacy Classroom, LRC
Workshop Outline Introduction of new version Video tour Annual Assessment Inventory setup and maintenance Report generation
Learning Outcomes for this Workshop Log on to TracDat and navigate the various screens and functions Identify the differences between the old TracDat version and the new version V Add PLOs and link them to ILOs Add assessment tools Add and maintain assessment plan Add results of assessment and actions taken Generate assessment report for annual assessment inventory
What is TracDat? TracDat is a main product of Nuventive Inc. in Pittsburgh. It is a planning and outcomes assessment software. It provides a flexible framework that helps institutions organize, align, document, report, and take effective actions for improvement. TracDat supports data-informed strategic planning, program review, accreditation, and managing academic and administrative outcomes. TracDat version 5 runs on the Microsoft Azure environment. Nuventive is a client of Microsoft Azure; and UOG is a client of Nuventive
What is Microsoft Azure? Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing service created by Microsoft. It is for building, deploying, and managing applications and services through a global network of Microsoft- managed data centers. Cloud computing is a type of Internet-based computing. It provides shared computer processing resources and data to computers and other devices on demand. Computing resources include computer networks, servers, storage, applications, services and so on.
What’s New in TracDat V5? UOG installed the TracDat system in spring 2010. The UOG TracDat V5.2 was upgraded in November 2016. It provides comprehensive Help Guides and Video Tutorials of the whole system for administrators and end users. It adds the Activity Log icon to show the update activities of Program Assessment Planning and Course Assessment Planning. It adds the Information Filter icon to show the desired information on Program Assessment Planning and Course Assessment Planning. It’s more user-friendly than version 4.
Log in to UOG TracDat System Click the Mozilla Firefox icon on your computer. Enter the URL: Or go to UOG website, pull down the login window, and click on “TracDat Assessment System” Enter your username and password to log in to TracDat. Click the top triangle icon, and select your own degree program If you have no TracDat account, your tentative username is tracdat5, and password is tracdat5 too. Click the top triangle icon, and select Program (CNAS) – UG Chemistry
The Help Icon This help icon provides comprehensive descriptions of each tab and its sub-tabs in TracDat. Click the green icon on the upper-left corner, you will see some descriptions about the Home page. Then click on the “TracDat Portfolio for End Users” in the last sentence of the help page. Next, click the “Help Guides and Videos” in the top middle of the pop-up page. Click each tab or any of its sub-tabs to see detail descriptions or videos about the tab or sub-tab.
The Video Tours On the “TracDat Portfolio for End Users” home page, click the top-left white “Home” icon to return to home page of the help guides. Click the “Navigating the Portfolio” to see how to navigate this portfolio. Click on the “TracDat 5.1 Update video”, “TracDat 5.2 Update video”, and “TracDat 5.3 Update video” to see the updated information and new features of TracDat Version 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 respectively.
The Activity Log & Information Filter Icons The two icons are available in the following tabs: Program Planning Annual Updates Program Assessment Plan Results Course Curriculum Mapping Planning Course Assessment Plan
Annual Assessment Inventory Setup and Maintenance Add PLOs and link them to ILOs Add assessment tools Add and maintain assessment plan Add results of assessment and actions taken
Viewing and Uploading Supporting Documents University of Guam common folder Program folders File and folder naming conventions
Report Generation Assessment Plan Curriculum Map 4-Column Report Assessment Inventory
Thank You !