Texas High School Aerospace Scholars Presenter – Saul Barraza
More Information NASA wants today’s students to become the engineers, scientists, researchers and innovators of tomorrow. High School Aerospace Scholars offers a one-of-a-kind experience for Texas high school students to explore the possibilities of a science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) related major or career. Learn more about the program by viewing "High School Aerospace Scholars: A Journey of Discovery." The adventure starts this fall with an online course and culminates - for students who earn the opportunity - with an onsite summer experience at NASA's Johnson Space Center.
Eligibility: U.S. citizen Texas high school junior Committed to a one-year relationship with NASA Internet access (from home, school or public library)
Selected students will be invited to NASA for a week-long residential summer experience of: Team projects and briefings directed by NASA engineers and scientists Hands-on design challenge and engineering activities to plan a mission to Mars Tours of NASA facilities
During the school year you'll have the opportunity to participate in: Interactive lessons on NASA activities related to space exploration, earth science, technology and aeronautics Design challenges such as 3D drawing, video creation, interactive poster design Virtual chats with NASA engineers and scientists
Important Dates Application Opens Wednesday, September 14, 2016 Application Closes Wednesday, October 26, 2016, 2:00PM CT Online Session November 2016 – February 2017 Student Selections April 2017 Onsite Workshops June 2017 – July 2017
How to Apply Google: NASA Aerospace Scholars