Shared leadership Finland Eira Kasper 15.5.2017
Vaskivuori Upper Secondary School 1000 students (aged 16 – 19), 70 teachers General studies 880 (including 75 media students), music curriculum 100 and dance curriculum 20 Special areas music, dance, media mathematics and science information technology foreign languages and international activities visual arts, sports, theatre
9 years basic education, ages 7-16 Finnish education Universities 4 years 6 years etc. Polytechnics 4 years etc. General upper secondary schools - 3 years Vocational upper secondary education - 3 years Compulsory education 9 years basic education, ages 7-16 pre-primary, age 6
QUALITY AWARD Vaskivuori School was awarded the best quality practice (CAF) of the public sector in Finland in December 2015 by the Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities and the Ministry of Finance
VISION OF VASKIVUORI SCHOOL A pioneer in upper secondary education nationally and internationally
A pioneer in upper secondary education nationally and internationally Innovation Sustainable development Sense of community Leadership and management Economic resources Service in secretarial office Process of going to upper secondary school FROM START TO GRADUATION Recruitment process of students Junior student Motivated and cooperative learner Student counselling Support for students’ wellbeing Curriculum Staff Core curriculum Strategies of the city of Vantaa Laws and acts
Shared leadership Knowledge of experts to use A leader doesn’t know everything Commitment to objectives and development work Culture of trust Result of development work of many years Student representatives In teams Team Team Management group Principals and teachers 2 + 4 Teachers vote 4 representatives for 2 year’s period Members of management group are heads of teams Team Team Team Team 12 teams. Every teacher belongs to at least one team.
Structure of management STUDENTS Student board Staff meetings Teams and subject teams Management group Principal Vice principal Student representatives Student representatives Teachers Teachers Teachers Students
Thank You Eira Kasper