Webinar: Let’s twin! How to organize twinning with another club by E.R.I.C. Social Committee 2016/17
Webinar Agenda Social Committee Presentation: “How does twinning work” by Ekaterina Yurkova (10 Minutes) Presentation: “Best practice: Twin club award winner” by Friederike Schlüter (15 Minutes) Question and Answer Session by Participants (15 Minutes) (L) Christian Mielert (Social Assistant) RAC Bremen, Germany (M) Ekaterina Yurkova (Social Assistant) RAC St. Petersburg International, Russia (R) Alexander F. Storck (Social Officer) RAC Bad Hersfeld-Rotenburg, Germany Social Committee 2016/17 PROMOTION Flyer shared on every event / district events / e. g. FB-Event (176 Participants, 83 Interested, 1.400 Invites) Articles in ERIC-Magazine / MDIO Magazines Mails, direct contact to CRs UPDATES “Results-Form” ready, will be only latest until 31st Jan. 17 Very positive Feedback ????? Awards for: Highest amount of Boxes/Clubs/… Best Picture....???? Stay tuned ;-)
Interested in Twinning? http://rotaracteurope.eu/get-involved/lets-twin/ Cultural exchange; International friendship; FUN!
How to organize twinning? Contact your CR; Write on Rotaract Facebook pages; Attend European Events (REM, EUCO etc); Next chance: EUCO in Warsaw!
How to organize twinning?
How to organize twinning? Download twinning documents via the link http://rotaracteurope.eu/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Twin_Docs.zip Fill out the Registration Form; Sign the Twin Certificate; Send all the documents to social@rotaracteurope.eu Wait for our confirmation
Twinning documents
How to organize twinning? Twin Club Award 2 clubs of different Districts within ERIC Twin club agreement signed before application Organized at least one joint project Long-term cooperation
How to apply for TCA? http://rotaracteurope.eu/get-involved/apply-for-besp-or-tca/
Webinar Our story of being TCA Winner 2012/2013 Friederike Schlüter Rotaract Club Bremen
Skype Cooking The members of RAC Galatasaray and RAC Bremen met about once a month at someone’s home to cook a typical Turkish/German meal while skyping…
Recipeace – Cooking for Peace In addition to our collected recipes, we made a call for recipes within the E.R.I.C. com- munity to create the cookbook: “Recipeace – Cooking for Peace”
RAC Galatasaray visiting Bremen Signing the Twin Club Agreement A delegation of RAC Galatasaray members visiting the Bremen Town Musicians and Beck‘s brewery.
Winning the first place at TCA Celebrating in Rome during EUCO 2013 with the delegation from RAC Galatasaray and RAC Bremen
Twin Club Challenge // New Year‘s Wishes Going new ways…. Twin Club Challenge and New Year‘s Wishes
The experiences we made… Find a club that shares your passion - for us that was cooking Document your relationship (Facebook, start a blog,…) Visit each other in person It was never our aim to win. We just filled out the application to inspire other clubs on how a Twin Club Relationship could possible look like HAVE FUN!!
For Questions, please, have a look at www.bremen.rotaract.de/ www.galatasarayrotaract.org/ www.facebook.com/Rotaract.Club.Bremen/ www.facebook.com/galatasarayrotaract/ www.thetwinclubexperiment.blogspot.de/ or send a mail to friederike.schlueter@rotaract.de
Let’s BUY ONE MORE! 13-19 March 2017 Social Committee 2016/17