Authorised Worship Assistants Re-imagining Ministry Bishop of Thetford Diocesan Synod March 2013
What? A lay ministry Only working within own benefice To assist the Incumbent With the Ministry of the Word And in conducting worship
Why? (1) “Ministry belongs to all God’s people” God gives gifts to his people Church’s task is to nurture, encourage and draw these out Further develop ministry as collaboration
Why (2) Some ministry can be commissioned locally Ministry of the Word and worship traditionally reserved Permission being given for local initiative Relationship with the Bishop encouraged
Why (3) Practical need to develop collaboration between clergy and laity Desire for Christian worship and witness in every parish Changing role of the Vicar: overseeing a team
Who (1)? Chosen by Incumbent and PCC A rooted faith, sustained by prayer and the sacraments Good basic understanding and openness to go on learning Proclaiming not simply what they think but what Christians believe
Who (2)? Willing to work under incumbent’s authority and guidance Respected by church and community Stable life and faith Demonstrate humility and pastoral sensitivity
How (1) Incumbent and clear majority of the PCC support the call Incumbent writes to the Bishop Letter of authorization is read out at commissioning Ministry exercised under Incumbent’s supervision
How (2) A working agreement is drawn up AWA undertakes study and learning Authorisation to be renewed after three years New Incumbent, renewal in first year
When? Booklet available at Central Visitations Begin immediately Whenever new gifts are discerned and call given
And also How is this distinct from Reader Ministry? Reader Ministry is nationally recognized It is licensed, transferable and permanent Readers have a key role in encouraging and supporting AWAs Some will find AWA a stepping stone to Reader ministry
And also What Learning, Study and Support is offered? Portfolio approach: a variety of options Centrally provided; parish or deanery based; distance learning Local Supervision Regular; supportive; educative; and normative