A Possible Guide for developing Our Youth Strategy
This guide consists of questions organized under the following headings… Introduction Recognizing Ourselves Recognizing Our Journey Aims & Objectives Durational Plan Identifying Support Systems Definitions/Glossary
Introduction What are our initial responses when we think about youth ministry generally? Where does youth ministry happen in our communities? Is youth ministry relevant to our parish/synod? Do we value youth ministry?
Recognizing Ourselves Who are the people that make up our parish/synod? Who are our parish/synod young people? (e.g. our own children, the children from parish families, grandchildren, young people from around the community/neighbours, younger siblings, students from local educational institutions, clientele, young people from non-church groups/teams/organisations, etc…)
Recognizing Ourselves continued… How do young people help shape the church? What blessings, gifts, experiences and talents do young people offer? What blessings, gifts, experiences and talents can be shared with young people?
Recognizing Our Journey How have we done youth ministry in the past? How are we currently engaging in youth ministry? What are our hopes, dreams and aims for youth ministry in the future?
Aims & Objectives What might some of our aims & objectives for youth ministry be? You may like to use the different areas suggested below as a guide for focussing your aims and objectives (or add others) Service & Hospitality Cultural awareness & appreciation Fellowship & Interaction Worship Fun Biblical & Spiritual learning Historical, contextual & structural understandings Leadership Development
…If so, what might it look like? Action Plan Are we able to form a plan of action for the next… twelve months? five years? ten years? …If so, what might it look like?
Identifying Support Systems In what ways will we support leadership, groups and individuals in youth ministry? Can we identify key organisations, groups or people that we can consult for support on a range of issues relating to youth ministry?
Definitions/Glossary “When we use the term _______ what do we mean?” (what other key words or terms might we need to define or unpack as a group?)
Congratulations! In working through these questions you have successfully… Discussed the relevance and value of youth ministry to the parish/synod Discussed the context and journey of youth ministry in the parish/synod Begun to identify what the aims and objectives for youth ministry may be Thought about plans of action over different time frames Identified systems of support Identified and unpacked different words/terms to ensure shared understandings
Well Done!