Fig. 6. 68-year-old man with CLL and transformation to DLBCL. A Fig. 6. 68-year-old man with CLL and transformation to DLBCL. A. Pre-treatment coronal contrast-enhanced CT image shows massive splenomegaly and enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes (arrow). B. Follow up study after chemotherapy shows treatment response evidenced by interval decrease in size of lymph nodes (arrow) and spleen. C. Axial contrast-enhanced CT image after 6 months reveals new diffuse omental and peritoneal disease (arrows), as well as ascites, in setting of increasing LDH and lymphocytosis. Pathology was consistent with DLBCL. CLL = chronic lymphocytic leukemia, CT = computed tomography, DLBCL = diffuse large B cell lymphoma, LDH = lactate dehydrogenase Fig. 6. 68-year-old man with CLL and transformation to DLBCL. A. Pre-treatment coronal contrast-enhanced CT image shows massive splenomegaly and enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes (arrow). B. Follow up study after chemotherapy shows treatment response evidenced by interval decrease in size of lymph nodes (arrow) and spleen. C. Axial contrast-enhanced CT image after 6 . . . Korean J Radiol. 2017 Jan-Feb;18(1):54-70.