Join Maynard Jackson Soccer
About MJHS Soccer Established in the 1990’s in expansion of the school’s athletic program Both Boys and Girls Varsity and Junior Varsity Both Boys and Girls programs qualified for the State Playoffs in 2016 (first time in history for the girls program)
MJHS Soccer Program Program is continuing to develop to accommodate players of all skill and interest levels: Varsity – players who have played outside of school i.e. for a local club (preferably for one of the academy/select programs within the club); players who have a desire to play at the collegiate level; offseason workouts; year around training Junior varsity – recreational; for any non-senior student with an interest in the sport regardless of skill level
Summer Workouts 1.5 hour sessions Tues, Weds, and Thur beginning June 5 Combination of running, weight training, and skill work July 24-27 “Survival Week” – intensified workout week that will include fitness testing; will be strongly considered when selecting varsity team Athletic Physical for 2016-17 school year may be used
Partnership with Inter Atlanta Coach Brian Stoddart Year round training Try-outs Inter Coaches at practice
Partnership with Sons of Pitchest Free League play Get your touches Drills at practice
Soccer Camps – FCA Christian camp
Soccer Camps – Georgia State
Team Store Hosted through Go to 000000000000445199) Go to Go to “Find your team store” or go to Team- Local Club Type in Maynard Jackson - click enter Select Your Template for Maynard Jackson Team Store Click Find Kit
Team Store Numerous items can be purchased and function as school uniform Practice uniform: black shorts, socks, shin guards, MJHS FC top Uniform requirements will be outlined after try outs which will be conducted the first week of December
Fundraising Idea If you have any ideas you would like to try, let us know
Want to know more?!! Please contact us with your questions! We’d love to hear from you and connect with Maynard Jackson FC TEAMSNAP, to keep up to date on the latest Soccer Jags News! Boys Head Coach: Obinna Uchime Girls Head Coach: Michael Matthews Communications Director: Beth Wells