Calo Objects summary Calo news TURCAL PID tools.


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Presentation transcript:

Calo Objects summary Calo news TURCAL PID tools

General news Issue with truth-matching of neutrals in s21 MC In S21, the calo reco is run again after Reco14. Doing so, the MC-CaloHypo linker was not updated resulting in wrong truth info. Analysts have to use raw banks instead of the linker : this is automatic with DV versions before 39, need to force it explicitly otherwise, check the guidelines on our twiki. Fortunately, it seems that all s21 MC samples were produced with raw banks. MC liaisons are still checking some filtered productions (JIRA). Persist-reco of neutral calo objects (photons and merged pi0) Calo raw banks are dropped in s29 (still available on-request). Instead the whole reco chain is saved for stripped candidates. Associated ADC saved to allow re-calibration with new algo RestoreCaloRecoChain. The difference w.r.t. a full re-calibration will be assessed in a near future. Saving in storage is such that all s29 lines with neutrals are persisted. Check O. Deschamps slides for more details.

TURCAL lines – 2017 validation data (~90%MagUp) Rare modes – high-PT photons (C. Marin) New lines – low & intermediate PT (Max C.) Pi0 lines – resolved & merged (R. Lefèvre) PT>2.6 GeV >2.6 GeV >1 GeV >500 MeV π0_PT >2 GeV ~350 k ~1.1 M ~400 k ~120 k

TURCAL lines - status Several lines in TURCAL: we can now extend the photon PT coverage down to 500 MeV (VS ~3 GeV with rare modes only) and calibrate all neutral PID (isPhoton + NotH(E)). Additional line of high-PT photons: prompt η → μμγ, from T. Boettcher (link) (left plots) Should be deployed with next TCK as CaloPID Hlt2 line (Carla Marin & Max C.) Comparison with corresponding run1&2 stripping lines, using e.g. D02Kpipi0 (right plot) 2016 VS 2012 : shift down of mass, new calibration DB in prep. to fix it. 2017 VS 2012 : mass closer to 2012, working pi0 calibration but tuning of PRS calibration still on-going (slides from J-F Marchand). More on calibration in next talk. Prompt η → μμγ

IsNotH calibration in run1 data New tool that provides the efficiency of a given cut on isNotX & allows re-sampling of MC PID Machinery proves to work using K*γ as calibration and test sample (left plot). For modes with softer photons, new calibration samples are needed. Now available on /eos (link): D(s) → η’[ργ]π with gamma_PT > 1 GeV: ~1.2x10^6 sPlot-candidates in run1. But current results on J/ψη[γγ] are not so great. On-going work to improve the PT coverage (Ds* calibration sample in prep.). Latest presentation from Clara Remon available here. calib=K*γ test=K*γ calib=η’π test=J/ψη

Yandex gamma/pi0 separation tool Based on Machine learning technique Exploits features of energy deposition in 5x5 clusters in ECAL and PRS. Current results on MC are very promising Better overall performance than standard tool (isPhoton) At high γ efficiency (98%), the pi0 rejection power is twice better On-going validation with different MC samples. Test on real data should follow. Check Fedor Ratnikov slides for more details Yandex classifier Yandex isPhoton