Welcome to Shuqun Primary School Briefing for P6 Parents on PSLE and DSA 22 January 2016
Purpose of PSLE Placement exam Reflects on relative achievement level of students for that year Places students into the respective courses according to their academic ability Enables posting to a secondary school by merit as far as possible into a school of student’s choice
PSLE Aggregate Score Reflected in the PSLE certificate Overall performance in PSLE (EL, MT, Math, Science or the Foundation version of the above subjects) Does not include HMT Allows students to be fairly ranked
Use of T-score Raw mark – how good the student is in that subject T-score – how good the student is in that subject compared to other students
T-Score Calculation FORMULA T=50 +10 (X-Y) --------- Z X is student’s mark for subject Y is average mark (mean) scored by all students Z is spread of marks around the average mark (standard deviation)
Aggregate T-Score Addition of the T-scores for the 4 subjects (equal weightage for each subject) = Aggregate T-score There is no double weightage for the languages
Points to take note of PSLE is a placement examination All students sitting for PSLE (standard and foundation) will be ranked according to T-scores T-score computation is based on content and rigour for the subject (ie. For example a student scoring 60 marks for 4 standard subjects will have a higher score than one who scores 70 marks for all 4 foundation subjects) As of 2010, all students offering Foundation Science have to offer that as an examinable subject. Computation will be based on 4 subjects (only exception – cases of exemption from MT)
Our Strategies Experienced and persevering P6 teachers Focus on questions / strategies based on past PSLE questions Supplementary Classes & Holiday Classes Practice Papers from various schools and past year papers Pull out lessons for students who need focussed coaching Focussed teaching on how to tackle Science Open-ended process skills questions Participation in National/external competitions (eg ICAS MA & SC, SC Olympiad, etc) Information and Assistance for DSA application
Sec 1 Posting Exercise Based on Merit All students taking PSLE will be ranked according to their average T-score Each student in the rank order will be placed in a secondary school according to choice and availability of places
Points to take note of Direct School Admission (DSA) exercise Certain secondary schools may have criteria for admission to their schools. These criteria are based on that school’s niche.
Points to take note of PSLE is a placement examination T-score determines if student is posted to : Express Normal Academic Normal Technical courses
Higher Mother Tongue Higher Mother Tongue (HMT) score is not included for calculation of T-score HMT Bonus Points is only applicable if a student is considering applying to a Special Assistance Plan (SAP) school Distinction for HMT – add 3 points to T-score Merit for HMT – add 2 points to T-score Pass for HMT – add 1 point to T-score
Things to consider when selecting secondary school Distance from home Availability of Mother Tongue Language Address is crucial (in case of Manual Posting) Students with outstanding results will be invited to apply for Edusave Entrance Scholarships for Independent Schools and SAP Schools
Information Booklet Students will receive it in August Shortlist school-of-choice Familiarise yourself with the schools and their profiles Be clear of the application criteria and deadline
Exercising Option Ensure that you are available around PSLE results release period If need be, assign someone to make the option on your behalf. An authorisation letter is needed
Release of Results Day Ensure student returns in full school uniform Ensure that all outstanding fees is paid up – Results will be held back for cases with outstanding fees! Return all library books if not done so. Primary school is not in a position to make recommendations etc. for change of secondary school
Direct School Admission To Secondary One (DSA-SEC) Introduction to DSA DSA-Sec Exercise Process Preparing & Building a Portfolio Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Introduction to DSA-SEC Introduced in 2004 To promote holistic education Not a centralized posting exercise Participating secondary schools have the autonomy to decide who to admit via DSA-Sec Exercise The DSA-Sec Exercise is not a centralised posting exercise Participating secondary schools admit students based on their own selection criteria
DSA-Sec Exercise Process Gathering Information on DSA Sec Schools Application Selection by Schools (Jun – Aug) Selection Outcome (End Aug) School Preference Indication (Oct) Results (Late Nov)
Gathering information on schools All DSA Secondary schools will publish their admission criteria on their school websites by May each year Interested students can obtain information on DSA schools through the following: a) the secondary school’s website b) call the school or c) visit the school
Participating Sec Schools Type of Schools Discretionary Places Schools with Integrated Programme (IP) Up to 100% Independent Schools 20% Autonomous Schools 10% Niche Programme Schools 5%
Schools Offering IP The IP leads to the ‘A’ Level examinations or other Diplomas. The 6-year IP is offered at the following schools: School Prog Offered Length of Prog JC Partner Catholic High ‘A’ Levels 4 years + 2 years at JC Partner CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls’ Eunoia JC Dunman High 6 years - Nanyang Girls’ High Hwa Chong Instituition (Sec) Hwa Chong JC National Junior College River Valley High
School Prog Offered Length of Prog JC Partner Raffles Girls’ ‘A’ Levels 4 years + 2 years at JC Partner Raffles Instituition(JC) Raffles Instituition (Sec) Raffles Instituition (JC) Temasek JC 6 years from 2013 - Victoria School Victoria JC Cedar Girls’ Sec ACS(Independent) International Baccalaureate 6 years Methodist Girls’ 4 years +2 years at JC Partner St Joseph’s Instituition NUS High School NUS High School Diploma School of the Arts
Participating Secondary Schools
Singapore Sports School Does NOT participate in the DSA-Sec Exercise Students talented in Sports are invited to register for selection trials Regardless of whether a student is accepted by Singapore Sports School, ALL PSLE students MUST participate in the Sec One Posting Exercise
Application Check with participating DSA secondary school(s) on application procedures and submission date Submit DSA Application form to participating DSA school(s) All participating secondary schools would have published their criteria and selection / trial dates etc by end May
Selection by Schools (June-August) Shortlisted students go for selection tests/camps or interviews at the DSA secondary schools Participating secondary schools will select students based on their own selection criteria
Selection Outcome Students will receive outcome of application from the DSA Sec School by end Aug Sec Schools will issue letters to applicants stating if they have been a) given a Confirmed Offer b) put on the Waiting List c) rejected by the school
Selection by Schools Confirmed Offer Students given a Confirmed Offer are guaranteed a place in the school provided the school offers an academic, normal academic or normal technical course which the student is eligible for.
Selection by Schools Waiting List Students on the Waiting List will be considered for admission, subject to available vacancies.
Selection by Schools Rejected List Students on the Rejected List are deemed rejected by the school. However, they may still opt for the school during the S1 Posting Exercise.
School Preference Indication (October) Students with a Confirmed Offer or on the Waiting List will be issued with a School Preference Form through their Primary School This form will consolidate all the offers the student has received from the various schools
School Preference Indication (October) Students will be asked to indicate their preference for up to a maximum of 3 schools on the School Preference Form Students will have 5 working days to submit this form at their respective Primary Schools
School Preference Indication (October) During this stage, students are permitted to amend their previous submissions via the DSA-Sec Internet System ONCE ONLY Students who need to make more than 1 amendment will need to approach our teachers for assistance Amendments will not be allowed after the closure of this stage
School Preference Indication (October) At this stage, students who have applied for DSA may approach our school to withdraw from the exercise if they wished If students do not submit their school preference(s) during this stage, they are considered to have withdrawn from the exercise Re-submission of DSA preferences after withdrawal is possible if students approach our staff for assistance BEFORE the end of this stage
Results (Late November) DSA results will be released together with PSLE results Successful students will receive a Direct School Admission Notification, informing them of the school that has accepted them These students will not be allowed to make any school selection in the centralised S1 Posting Exercise
Successful DSA Candidates Application for Special Programmes Some successful DSA candidates may be eligible for special programmes such as Offer Third Lang Studies Students who are eligible and wish to take up special programmes will have to submit their S1 Option Form
Edusave Entrance Scholarships for Independent Schools (EESIS) Top 1/3 of total number of Sec 1 students posted to all Independent Schools will be awarded Edusave Entrance Scholarship (– refer to FAQs) Selected students will receive notification
Preparing a Portfolio A portfolio should highlight your achievements and strengths (preferably holistic) It could contain a list of achievements especially under: a) Special academic and creativity achievements b) Co-curricular activities c) Leadership and Community Service d) Others
Level of Participation Building a Portfolio Special Academic / Creativity Achievements / Awards Level of Participation Examples International Math Olympiad (SMOPS) University of New South Wales (ICAS) National / Zonal / Cluster etc Tan Kah Kee, Sony Creative, Edusave Award, Cluster Debate, Creative Writing Competition, School Media Awards, Robotics, Odyssey of the Mind etc School-based Best All Rounder, Top in English etc
Level of Participation Building a Portfolio Level of Participation Examples International SEA Games , AYG , YOG National / Zonal / Cluster etc National / Zonal Sports Council Tournaments, Inter-School Competitions, SYF Competitions School-based Performances at Speech Day, CC events etc
Building a Portfolio Leadership & Community Service Leadership Special Achievements Class Monitor (2015) Prefect (2012-2015) Sap Ambassador (2013-2015) CCA Leader School based CIP – 12 hours (2013) 14 hours (2014) 18 hours (2015) Buddy Reader – Helping LSP Students to read (2014-2015) Singa Award (2014-2015) Eagles Award (2012)
Building a Portfolio Others Areas Details Special Talent Piano – Grade 7 Speech and Drama – Completed 6 modules under Lorna Winston Include any other areas or topics that you have demonstrated sustained interest in
Building a Portfolio Other useful entries… Photocopies of result slips Progress Reports Certificates, Awards, Commendation Notes, Sample artefacts Writings, Journal Entries, Learning logs, Book reviews, Different types of creative expressions (poems, photo journals, cartoons etc)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) http://www.moe.gov.sg/education/admissions/dsa-sec/faqs/