Roaring 20s Chapter 32, Pt 1
Red Scare (#1) Could what happened in Russia happen in US? Labor Unions=Communism? Attorney General Palmer (Palmer Raids) round up 6000 suspects Palmer’s home bombed IWW members persecuted, NY legislators not admitted because they were socialists
Uses for Red Scare Turns back unionism Employers keep “open” shops Sacco and Vanzetti convicted of murder in Boston---Italian, atheist, anarchist, draft dodgers---electrocuted Cutting short civil liberties?
KKK More nativist than old days..antiforeign, anti-Catholic, anit-Jewish, antipacifist, etc.. Big in Midwest and South Governor runs with KKK membership as part of resume in Indiana
Quota Acts Immigrants now mostly from Southern and Eastern Europe Emergency Quota Act of 1921, only allowed 3% of your population of 1910 Immigration Act of 1924, now only 2% of 1890 population, no Japanese No more immigrant tide Immigrants more isolated in neighborhoods, Italian, Jewish, Polish
Prohibition Volstead Act At times racist, anti-immigrant Tough to enforce a law that changes the life of millions of people Less alcohol was consumed, absenteeism down, savings up
Gangsters Bootleggers organizing to snuff out competition Al Capone, St Valentine’s Day Massacre, Public Enemy #1
Tennessee Monkey Trial Darwinism and Bible seen as totally opposed Some Southern states legislate against teaching evolution Scopes found guilty of teaching evolution in Dayton, TN Trial pits Darrow v. Bryan Guilty verdict brings small fine (Bryan doesn’t make it)
Scopes Trial
Mass Consumption Economy Melon favors capital Oil flowing Ford brings mass production to an art at Rouge River (car every ten seconds) Advertising Credit!
Sports Figures