Ways to Leverage Social Networks Debbie Brown SAB Web Site Updates Ways to Leverage Social Networks Debbie Brown
SAB Website
SAB Web Site (cont)
Now that each SC has a page… How can we keep these current? Incorporate relevant news/announcements for each group How can we “synchronize” with SC-managed sites? Use LifeRay portlets for Social Network and RSS sources
Why Social Networks? Each one has large user communities Each one has mature mobile apps Users can choose to “Follow”, “Like”, “Join” your SC, and then the feeds are automatic Social Media Management tools support “Post Once, Repeat Everywhere” Reaching out to new audiences can help to build interest, professional associations, and even participation
Post Once, Repeat Everywhere SAB LifeRay Sites Social Media Mgmt Tool SC Twitter Portlet RSS Portlet Blog Tool
What would an SC Post? Calls for Volunteers Calls for Participation Ballot Group Formations Email Straw Polls Standard Announcements Speaker Announcements Meeting Information Reminders for participant action required…
Suggestions… Set up accounts for your SC in desired social network(s) Most use an email address Tell the SAB what your account names are We will add them to the landing pages We will add dynamic feed portlets to your page If you want to be more informative, ask for an SAB-hosted blog page for your SC Start posting and blogging!!
Social Media Management Tools…
Start Posting!