Why Computer Science? “The United States currently has more than 494,000 unfilled computing jobs, but only 43,000 computer science graduates to fill those jobs,” Kentucky Education Commissioner Stephen Pruitt , 2017
Mr. Smith’s Schedule 1st Period Computer Science I 2nd Period Computer Science I 3rd Period Prep 4th Period AP Computer Science/ Advanced Projects Lunch 5th Period Computer Science I (D131) 6th Period Prep 7th Period Robotics Programming 8th Period Robotics Projects
West High You are here. Main Gym Counselors Commons Attendance Student Center
Wheel Factory For the product to be complete After Sprint Must touch every person on the team Must be passed (air time) between team members Cannot be dropped Cannot pass it to the person next to you After Sprint Sprint Review: How many did you complete? Sprint Retrospective: What went well? What did not go well? What can be improved? Sprint Planning: How many can you complete in the next Sprint
Seating Organize yourselves by Last Name
Computer Science I Today’s Schedule Introductions Successful behaviors Log In Set up Folders/Shortcuts Finding your strengths Writing a program
Introductions You will introduce the people next to you Name Strength Music Video Game Where would you like to live in the future?
Starting Salaries 2013 Forbes 2013 Here is a list of average starting salaries by discipline: Engineering $63,000 Computer Science $60,000 Business $54,000 Communications $43,000 Math & Sciences $42,700 Education $40,000 Humanities & Social Sciences $37,000 Forbes 2013
Successful Behavior Behavior/Discipline Plan: Students are expected to be safe, responsible and respectful. Students not following these expectations may expect: verbal warnings, removal from class pending conference, parent contact, or referral to administration.
To be successful in this course: Stay focused and productive in the classroom Excellent attendance Let your projects, daily work, quizzes and tests display your best effort Feel free to talk with me about your projects, questions, etc.
Computer Lab Rules No gum in class No food or drink in the lab (except water with a lid at approved locations) No headphones or music except on days selected by teacher Absolutely no off-task Internet usage (e-mail, games, chat, etc – anything other than class related) Absolutely no off-task Computer usage (ask teacher permission to use equipment for anything other than class assignments) Do NOT download any software (games, utilities, music, etc.) Do NOT use any “chat” software No CELL PHONE use in class without permission of Mr. Smith.
Materials Needed Each student will need a Composition Book, spiral or a tabbed off section in your three-ring binder for notes and handouts. Bring a pen or pencil with you everyday
Course Overview 1) Getting Started In the first week students are introduced to Pascal, the process of writing, compiling and running code. Students will move from ‘Hello world’ to writing programs that get user input and perform simple calculations. 2) Math to Pascal In the second week of the course students use more complex mathematics in Pascal and gain more experience taking a problem and implementing its solution in Pascal. 3) Making decisions: if/else During this week students are introduced to decision constructs and add some logic to their programs. 4) Repeating pieces of code: for loop For loop, while loop and repeat until. 5) Case State: If else on steroids 6) Repeat Until 7) While Loop 8) Project 9) Procedures and functions 10) Arrays Saving Searching Sorting 11) If time.. Files Dynamic data structures
Grading Class Activities Warm-up Activities 5 pts Programs 10 pts Projects 20-100 pts Quizzes 25 pts Tests 100 pts Grading Policy A: 90-100% B: 80 – 89% C: 70 – 79% D: 60 – 69% F: 0 – 59%
Questions?? School Announcements
Log in Log onto the network Your log in number is on your student ID number Your password is your First Initial Last Initial Birthdate. Example Susie Kalahan 1/1/2002 sk112002 Jose Mahindra 10/15/2001 jm10152001
Creating Shortcuts 2) Double Click on ‘CS1’ Folder 1) Double Click on SMITH_GREG-Shortcut
Drag and Drop into your ComputerScience1 Folder.
Shortcut to Class Website www.smithcsrobot.weebly.com Find your course and click
Put Shortcut into Your Class Folder Drag and Drop Into Your Folder Drop
Class Website Print out the Syllabus at home Have your parents sign it and turn it in
Find the Class Website, Find your Strengths Smithcsrobot.weebly.com Click on the Computer Science 1 Link Click on ‘Find Your Strengths’ When complete Turn in a Word Document that includes: Your Name Class Period Two + strengths Any questions you have at this point in time Anything that would help me teach you better.
2) Click on ‘New Source File’ First Program 2) Click on ‘New Source File’ 1) Open Dev-Pascal
Delete the Info on the File After you delete the text. Start writing your own program.
Listing of errors, if any, when trying to compile. Run Compile Enter this program. Compile and Run Listing of errors, if any, when trying to compile.
Assignment Enter the program into Pascal Pushes: Modify the program so that you can enter the TAX value. Look up the if..then and give a special thanks if they spend more than $500. Enter the program into Pascal Fix any errors made when entering the program. Compile and run it. Go back, make and document three errors. Write the error and what the compiler says on the code itself behind. Put {} around your descriptions. Turn it in as YourNameThreeErrors