SVQ Management and Team Leading Network Event Elaine Snell Qualifications Manager
SQA Update Revised SVQs New flexible PDAs in Leadership and Management Graduate Apprenticeship Promotional campaign New EVs
New Flexible PDAs More flexible PDAs in Leadership and Management One mandatory unit Wide range of optional units to choose from Available at four levels: SCQF levels 6,7,8 and 9
SQA’s Leadership and Management Promotional Campaign Social media campaign - Twitter - Facebook - Linkedin Updated leaflets Updating webpages
Leadership and Management Webpage Links Interactive Activities: HN Open Page: PDA Open Page: SVQ Open Site: HN Secure Site: SVQ Secure Site:
Bill Breckenridge SEV Report : 2015-16 An Overview
Overall Centres enjoyed a high degree of success with qualification verification
Qualification Quality Assurance Criteria 2015-18
2. Resources: The Centre procedures for managing resources must be documented, implemented and monitored to meet SQA requirements 2.1. Assessors and internal verifiers must be competent to assess and internally verify the qualification where this is stipulated by SQA. Assessment Strategy CPD at least 3 management examples. impact/benefits of CPD 2.2. There must be evidence of initial and on-going reviews of assessment environment(s); assessment procedures; equipment and reference; learning and assessment materials Reviewed documents Minutes Site selection
3. Candidate Support: Candidates are supported and guided through the qualification for which they are entered 3.1. Candidates development needs and prior achievements (where appropriate) must be matched against the requirements of the award. Interview Diagnostic induction 3.2. Candidates must have scheduled contact with their assessor to review their progress and to revise their assessment plans accordingly Induction Unit choice Assessment plans Learning logs Contact Diaries
4. Internal Assessment and Verification: The Centre’s internal assessment and verification procedures must be documented, implemented and monitored to meet SQA requirements 4.2. Internal assessment and verification procedures must be implemented to ensure standardisation of assessment. Pre, mid and post Minutes/agendas Decision/action logs
4.3. The selection and use of assessment instruments and methods must be valid, reliable, practicable, equitable and fair Methods of generating evidence Product Observation Witness testimony Professional Discussion etc Generated in workplace by candidate Traditional or eportfolio ‘line of sight’ Tracking Recordings/videos
4.4. Assessment evidence must be the candidate’s own work generated under SQA’s required conditions Plagiarism/malpractice procedures policies Candidate sign off Induction procedures Witness statement Product evidence
4.6. Evidence of candidate’s work must be accurately and consistently judged by assessors against SQA’s requirements. Sufficiency Consistency Links between evidence and standards Level/depth SCQF 7, 8 and 9 Assessor and IV feedback
4.7. Candidate evidence must be retained in line with SQA requirements 4.9. Feedback from qualification verifiers must be disseminated to staff and used to inform assessment practice Previous reports Minutes/action logs Training records
THANK YOU and Questions
SVQ Management and Team Leading Network Event Ushare Lynne Malcolm Stuart McLaren
SVQ Management and Team Leading Network Event Discussion Groups Group A: Remain in Plenary Room – Roberta Brown Group B: Remain in Plenary Room – David Dow Group C: Break Out Room – David Dickie Group D: Break Out Room – Peter Fitzpatrick
SVQ Management and Team Leading Network Event Discussion Group Feedback Plenary Session Lunch