Color Wheel
The Color Wheel The color wheel is divided into two categories: primary, and secondary. The three primary colors are red, yellow and blue. These colors are considered to be foundation colors because they are used to create all other colors.
Color Wheel By combining two of the primary colors, three secondary colors are formed. They are orange, green and violet.
Color Wheel
Cool and Warm Colors Colors are also divided into cool and warm categories. Warm colors are red, orange and yellow. The cool colors are green, blue and violet.
Complementary Colors If two colors are opposite each other on the color wheel they are considered to be complementary colors. When used together in a design they make each other seem brighter and more intense. (example: red and green) Mixed together makes brown
Henri Matisse Still Life With Sleeper Henri Matisse grew up in the northern part of France. His father was a grain merchant and strict with Henri. He went to school in Paris and studied law. In 1888 he passed the bar and took a job as a law clerk.
What do you think a still life is?
Still Life A still life (plural still life's) is a work of art depicting mostly lifeless subject matter, typically commonplace objects which may be either natural (food, flowers, plants, rocks, or shells) or man-made (drinking glasses, books, vases, jewelry, coins, pipes, and so on)
Focal Point: Is the center of activity in an artwork(not always the center of the image). Step 1: Add a dot for The focal point of our Project. Step 2: Using a ruler draw 3 lines through The focal point extending off the page on both sides.
Step 4: You will arrange the objects on your paper. 1 object must Be on top of the focal point. Pay attention to your layout. Use the Triangle technique to help keep your eye moving around your artwork.
Triangle helps move the eye.
“That’s not a triangle, all the corners are cropped out “That’s not a triangle, all the corners are cropped out.” Well, guess what, an implied triangle is just as strong as an actual triangle…
Step 5: Add the primary colors to the negative space.
Step 6: Add the secondary colors to the remaining negative space.
Step 7: Add the compliments to the positive space of your objects.