Higher Human Biology EXAM TIPS Good luck to everyone! Remember: Past papers AND the marking schemes are VITAL to success
attitude Be both physically and mentally prepared to pass. Having a positive mental attitude will result in better results. Yes, you will be nervous, but if you have an “I’m going to fail” attitude, then your thoughts will be more focused on the negative feeling, rather than focusing on locating and retrieving information you need for the exam. Think of something positive that you are going to do after the exam (if you are not doing something – PLAN something )
Timing Divide your time appropriately Section 1 – multiple choice – 20 marks – 30 minutes Section 2 – short and extended answer questions – 80 marks – 2 hours (BUT this time also includes checking your answers!)
Reading questions Read the question twice Underline key Biology words in the questions (especially in genetics Qs) Underline the command word (state, describe, explain) If there is a diagram – use it to help you – it is there for a reason! Check how many marks it is worth
Stuck on a question? Fold the top corner of the page and come back to that question later This ensures you do not waste time and will ensure you won’t forget about the questions you missed out It also gives you time to locate and retrieve the information from your brain Attempt every question – never leave a blank space – if you do, that’s just throwing marks away!
Checking answers First read the question again AND THEN read your answer – did you even answer the question? Did you use language and key words mentioned in the question? Did you write enough, clear, distinct points to gain all possible marks? Look for silly mistakes Check your spelling Treat the marker like an idiot and don’t assume that they know what you are talking about – be AS CLEAR AS POSSIBLE Avoid “it” or “they” Look for any contradictions. “Bad” Biology loses you a mark!
Do not put things into your own words Do not put things into your own words. If we have given you a definition with certain language to use –make sure you use it!
Essay TIPS Always write in SENTENCES, whether it is in paragraphs or in bullet points Treat the marker like an idiot and don’t assume that they know what you are talking about – be AS CLEAR AS POSSIBLE Avoid “it” or “they” Always write more than the number of marks required (if the essay is worth 7, write 10 or 11 clear distinct points – as a back up)
Remember you are higher More will be required for a 1 mark answer, so make sure your answers are detailed Your exam is worth 83% (the assignment is worth 17%) Do not stop checking and going through your paper until you are sure you have AT LEAST 70 out of 100 definite marks!
Higher Human Biology EXAM TIPS Good luck to everyone! Remember: Past papers AND the marking schemes are VITAL to success