Active Ageing, Active Learning Editors Gillian Boulton-Lewis Active Ageing, Active Learning Editors Gillian Boulton-Lewis MaureenTam Overview
Focus of book Perspectives on Worldwide phenomenon of ageing and implications Why elders should keep learning Provisions for learning and ageing Policies for active ageing Ageing and learning in the Asia Pacific region
Organization Three sections Ageing issues and provision for learning (Field, Boulton-Lewis, Swindell) Research methods and ageing (Pfahl, Biggs, Buys and Miller) Ageing in parts of Asia and Hong Kong (Boshier, Chui, Tam)
Content Worldwide population ageing and implications for learning, welfare, and mental well being Reasons, processes and content for learning for elders Learning opportunities in a number of countries Technology in successful ageing and learning Learning and narratives to make meaning of experience Narrative analysis of social policy; need to challenge ageism and stereotypes Quantitative multi dimensional measures of active ageing Opportunities for learning in rural and urban China Elder learning in China, Hong, Kong, Taiwan and Singapore Elder education provisions in Hong Kong
Issues TWO billion of the world’s population will be 65 or older by 2050 Learning can promote mental well-being and prevent cognitive decline in ageing If older people are more self sufficient it will reduce caring costs Provisions for elder learning usually attract more affluent elders but in HK and some other parts of Asia these are Government supported Worldwide U3As Ageism and continuity of life Motivation to keep learning enjoyment, cognitive functioning and knowledge, self confidence, coping, health management, technology, social relationships, wisdom, neuroplasticity, new neural pathways, high cognitive functioning makes other activities possible 4. Also in China but not rural areas 5. Lack of Gov support in UK and Australia, evident in social policy, but also in rural China 6. Life circumstances, individual reflection, self-fulfillment and pleasure.
Issues continued Social policy and effect on ageing populations and identities Measuring ageing well Technology Elderly learning in China Confucian culture and learning in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore Elder Academy network in Hong Kong