CHARACTERS: PEOPLE Gilgamesh Enkidu Shamhat King of Uruk Father = Lugalbanda Mother = goddess Ninsun Enkidu Companion and friend of Gilgamesh Shamhat The temple prostitute who seduces Enkidu EN-key-doo
CHARACTERS: PEOPLE Utnapishtim Utnapishtim’s Wife King and priest of Shurrupak Name translates to “He Who Saw Life” Was picked by the god Ea to survive the flood with his family and the animals He and his wife were granted eternal life by the gods Utnapishtim’s Wife Unnamed woman in the story Softens her husband towards Gilgamesh and persuades him to share the secret of a magic plant oo t-nuh-pish-tim
CHARACTERS: PEOPLE Urshanabi The Hunter The guardian of the mysterious “stone things” Pilots the ferryboat to and from where Utnapishtim lives Loses this privilege when he helps Gilgamesh The Hunter Also called “the stalker” Discovers Enkidu at a watering place in the wilderness and plots to tame him
CHARACTERS: DEITIES (GODS) and DEMONS Anu The father of the gods and the god of the firmament (the heavens or the sky) Aruru A goddess of creation who fashioned Enkidu from clay and her spit Ea The god of fresh water, crafts, and wisdom, a patron of humankind. Lives in Apsu, the primal waters below the earth
CHARACTERS: DEITIES (GODS) and DEMONS Humbaba A fearsome demon who guards the cedar forest which is forbidden to mortals Wears seven garments that paralyze anyone who would withstand him with fear His mouth is fire He roars like a flood He breathes death Scorpion Man Guardian of the twin-peaked mountain called Mashu Upper part of his body is human Lower part ends in a scorpion tail
CHARACTERS: DEITIES (GODS) and DEMONS Siduri The goddess of wine-making and brewing A veiled tavern-keeper who comforts Gilgamesh and helps him on his way to Utnapishtim Tammuz The god of vegetation and fertility Also called “The Shepherd” Born a mortal, he is the husband of Ishtar Ishtar The goddess of love and fertility as well as war Impulsive and unpredictable The patroness of Uruk, where she has a temple
CHARACTERS: DEITIES (GODS) and DEMONS Enlil The god of earth, wind, and air Not at all fond of humankind Ereshkigal Terrifying Queen of the Underworld Lugulbanda Third King of Uruk after the flood Father of Gilgamesh Ninsun A minor goddess noted for her wisdom Mother of Gilgamesh
THEMES AND SYMBOLS THEMES – fundamental and universal ideas explored in a literary work Love is a motivating force Death is inevitable The gods are dangerous Success often leads to downfall SYMBOLS – objects, characters, figures, or colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts Religious symbols Doorways, portals, gateways