Udmurt State University, 85th Anniversary, Izhevsk, November 2016 Prospects for EU-Russian Collaboration in Higher Education: Double Degree Programmes Prof. Dorothy Kelly Vice Rector for Internationalization Udmurt State University, 85th Anniversary, Izhevsk, November 2016
Greetings Greetings from University of Granada Rector Prof. Pilar Aranda Former Rector Prof. Francisco González Lodeiro
Importance of the theme International cooperation and internationalization are part of the essence of university activity Not an end in themselves, but means to improve what we do and who we are: richer education for our students; better preparation for a globalized world; stronger research to solve grand societal challenges of today and tomorrow For UGR, Russia a strategic partner Long tradition of links, since 1990
EU Programmes for Cooperation in Higher Education Since 1987 Erasmus student mobility, beginning of internationalization of European universities Tempus programmes Erasmus Mundus programmes Framework Programmes Today Erasmus Plus (Erasmus for All) as 7-year programme for education, youth and sports And Horizon 2020, 8th Framework Programme
EU Programmes for Cooperation in Higher Education Horizon 2020: Grand Societal Challenges (transversal) Erasmus Plus: Key Action 1 Individual Mobility KA107 – International Credit Mobility Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Programmes Key Action 2 Partnerships Capacity-building
Bilateral Cooperation between Universities Even before (without) EU funding: Bilateral agreements for mobility (UGR Programa Propio) Same conditions: reciprocity, fee waiver, recognition, learning agreements… Even further: structured mobility in form of joint or double degrees UGR/UdSU pioneers
Double degree programmes Some basic concepts Greater diversity of kinds of mobility: internships, short stays, summer schools, service learning, etc.; mobility for greater strategic impact Structured mobility programmes Joint degree programmes (embedded mobility and curricula): single joint programme; newly set up; single joint diploma; compulsory mobility for all students) Double or multiple degrees (networked mobility and curricula): single programme; pre-existing modules; two or more diplomas (one from each university); mobility compulsory only for those participating in programme All EHEA cycles: Bachelor, Master, Bachelor + Master (integrated), Doctorate (cotutelle: promotes research cooperation)
Differences double/multiple and joint degrees Diploma (joint degree: one; double/multiple: one per university) Accreditation/validation/official approval (joint: necessary (in Spain); double or multiple: not needed as degree already approved and partial internal recognition) Admission (direct to programme or selection made once on programme) Administrative management (joint: single record; double or multiple: by procedure of recognition) Academic offer (joint: each institution offers a part of the programme; double or multiple: each institution offers full programme as not all students participate in mobility programme) Number of students (joint: whole cohort; double or multiple: small number selected from annual cohort) Impact for employment (joint degrees have proved less well known and accepted)
Advantages for students and universities Improving academic offer for students; partner content complementary with local offer (example languages) Coherent and structured academic itineraries (compared to traditional bilateral mobility) Greater international visibility and prestige Attractive for employability and finding first job (difference between double degrees and joint degrees, unknown for employers) Avoiding long and complicated procedures for recognition of degrees Longer mobility periods with greater impact Greater integration of students in host institution Greater integration of teaching staff > greater cooperation in other areas (research…)
Disadvantages and problems Huge amount of work for a small number of students in double degrees Lack of optional courses for students participating Funding (fees; grants for longer mobility periods) Diversity of national and/or institutional policies (rejection of double degrees as “two for the price of one”; double accreditation processes for joint degrees… Asymmetries in structures (4+1; 3+2; 4+2) – with EHEA should be easier but isn’t! Assessment and resit regulations; grading systems; academic calendars Final dissertations or theses (regulations; examining boards) Language requirements and their certification (e.g. Russian language exams and Spanish on-line eLADE) Complex management: admission; transfer of records, recognition processes; issue of degree diplomas > need for contact between administrative structures
Example: UGR-UdSU Lenguas Modernas y sus Literaturas/Lingüística Aplicada (Lengua Rusa) Brief description of programme and how it works.
¡Gracias! Vicerrectorado de Internacionalización