II About the market, market area and market models
The market is the place of confrontation of supply and demand, and is divided into: Local, regional, national and world (geographic criteria, market consumer goods, consumer durables and raw materials (according to the type and nature of products) Labour market, capital, information and technology
The index of retail saturation: IMS1 = (P1 x MP1) / MU1 IMS1 - The index of retail saturation in the market 1 P1 - The number of potential buyers of certain products on the market 1 MP1 - Retail sales per consumer products observed in the area of 1 MU1- retail services in the area 1 ( usually appears as a retail space for individual product lines) MU1
Market area Definition: The geographic units, consisting of consumers that are likely greater than "0" will in the future to complete the purchase of a certain group of products. We distinguish between primary (50-60% of the population are customers in a specific commercial format); secondary (20-30%, tertiary (20%).
The main market models: 1. Markets of final consumption 2. Reference markets 3. Influential market 4. Markets labor recruitment 5. Markets suppliers and alliances 6. Internal market
The impact of global trends on the market The main objective is: to anticipate future changes and proactively set up in order to be prepared for change and take advantage of such an opportunity. Global trends: Demographic changes (growth rate of population, the total population, average life expectancy, inequality in prihodma, household structure, level of education, migration, system of values, ecology, market fragmentation); Globalization (processes, industry, business, markets and the international economy ); Internationalization (business, manufacturing and retailing); Reengineering; Outsourcing; Benchmarking; Alliance (marketing, manufacturing or service, promotional, logistical); Marketing of good relations; Targeted marketing; Individualization; Targeted focus; etc.