Build Your Own Home - The London Way supporting custom build housing and community right to build 2 November 2013 Elinor Savage Area Manager, Housing & Land Hello I’m Elinor Savage from the GLA’s housing and land department Today I’m here in place of my colleague Tom Lloyd-Smith, who’s just become a father and is on paternity leave - Wonder how he’s coping Tom is the GLA’s lead on GLA funding for community right to build and custom build housing, but I know a bit about them too so I’ll talk about the funding that’s available and I’ll do my best to answer any questions you have, anything I can’t answer today I will take away and come back to you.
Today Mayor’s Statutory Role Mayor’s Priorities Build Your Own Home – The London Way Community Right to Build Custom Build Housing How to Bid Further Information Here’s what I’m going to cover today. I can send the slides around afterwards, so please don’t feel that you need to take notes. Role in relation to housing and land…
1. Mayor’s Statutory Role Produce a statutory London Housing Strategy Manage the budget and programme to deliver: new affordable homes improve existing social rented homes other housing initiatives £1.8 billion up to 2015 Manage a land and property portfolio of 550 hectares Deliver a range of major regeneration projects Responsibilities of the Homes and Communities Agency within London
2. Mayor’s Priorities Increase housing supply – 55,000 new affordable homes between 2011 and 2015 Improve the quality of new and existing homes Tackle homelessness and overcrowding Create a single property unit – Land and Property Database Secure development partners for major sites Implement an agreed strategy for all property by 2016 London Development Panel Affordable homes programme 2011-15 Mayor’s Housing Covenant Intermediate homes targeted at Working Londoners Funding for new care and supported housing Building the Pipeline Fund 2015-18 Further allocations during November and now ongoing bidding Decent homes No Second Night Out Contains all the land owned by the GLA family, aside from TfL land – you can enquire about hat seperately. Major sites – Royal Docks in Newham, Braking Riverside, Greenwich Penninsula LDP – panel of housing developers – pre-selected Design panel
3. Build Your Own Home – the London Way July 2012 – £8m (£5m for Custom Build and £3m for Community Right to Build) September 2013 – £20m for London Bidding Prospectus Open for bidding now until March 2015 Part of a national pot of money…London’s share
4. Community Right to Build Localism Act 2011 - new power to communities to build new homes, shops, businesses or facilities without going through the normal planning application process Community Right to Build Order Community referendum >50% of local people must agree Plans must be generally in line with national and local planning policy Corporate body to further the social, economic and environmental well-being of the local community The new powers give communities the freedom to build new homes, shops, businesses or facilities where they want them, without going through the normal planning application process. To get the go-ahead, the proposals must: have the agreement of more than 50% of local people that vote through a community referendum meet some minimum requirements (for example, they should generally be in line with national planning policies and strategic elements of the local plan) Members of the community will need to set themselves up as a corporate body with the purpose of furthering the social, economic and environmental well-being of the local community. The developments would then be managed by this corporate body. Any benefits from any development which come to the body must be retained or used for the benefit of the community. While it will be for communities themselves to identify suitable land, sources of finance and secure local agreement for their proposals, the government is funding a package of support to help communities that want to use the right.
Community Right to Build Funding Resource funding Kickstart take up of Community Right To Build Contribute to the costs of preparing an application for a Community Right to Build Order Up to 90% of costs Not development finance Payment in arrears upon achieving four key milestones: Corporate body established Initial proposals developed, project eligibility and outline feasibility study completed Detailed proposals developed Valid application for a Community Right to Build Order submitted Funding can be paid in stages, once each milestone is achieved. It may be that after achieving some of the milestones, you decide that the CRT route is not the best route, and submit a usual planning applicatio instead,
Funding Criteria Plans to become a corporate body Evidence of community engagement and consultation 3. Land identified Plans to secure a legal interest in the land 5. Clear plans to designate the area as a ‘neighbourhood area’
5. Custom Build Housing Homes built or commissioned by individuals or groups for their own use, by building the home or working with builders Funding available for group self-build, not individuals Loan funding for up to 75% of the project costs Interest rates ranging from 2.3% to 11.7% per annum Qualifying expenditure: Land acquisition costs Site preparation costs Construction costs S106 planning obligations Associated professional fees Known as self-build
6. How to Bid Bidding Prospectus Speak to the GLA Application form Assessment & Recommendation Contract Take professional advice Contact LA housing and planning teams
7. Further Information Local Authorities know about available land